Box 7
Contains 17 Results:
Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (May 15-18), Technical Papers, "Plastics in Building-A Second Blue Sky Excursion", 1967
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1968
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
SPEaking Tube & SPE Tubes (bound), Winfield, editor, 1968-1970
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Editorial: "Let's live up to it", First Unitarian Universalist Church in Springfield News (Nov. 10), 1969
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Handbook of Fiberglass & Advanced Plastics Composition, ed. George Lubin, Winfield article, section II, chapter 13, "Hand Lay-Up Techniques" pp. 285-305, 1969
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1970
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
SPI, 25th Anniversary Conference (Feb. 3-6), "Composites Take A New Direction In Low Cost Housing Potentials", section 20-B, 1970
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Cellular Plastics in Furniture and Home Furnishings...Idea Mart '71, "The World's First Soft Bathroom", 1971
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1971
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1972
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Society of Plastics Engineers National Technical Conference, Plastics in Building Construction, "UNIDO Report", 1972,
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
SPI (The Society of Plastics Industry) 27th Annual Conference (Feb. 8-11) "Forefronts of FRP in Building Applications (World Coverage)", 1972,
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1973
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Society of Plastics Engineers 31st Annual Technical Conference, "The CARE/ Winfield/Bangladesh House: A major Breakthrough in the Use of Plastics in Low Cost Housing", Winfield and BLW, 1973
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Society of Plastics Engineers Regional Technical Conference (Oct. 2-3), Technical Papers : Plastics in Building, "Uninhibited Campus Research Opens Portals to New Plastics in Building Concepts", 1969
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1968
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.
Publications, 1969-1972
Includes some publicity and manuscripts.