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Stack 28


Contains 33 Results:

Sandia Baptist Church: Additions, 9429 Constitution Ave. NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4/6/82

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8107
Scope and Contents

Index, area map, sections, details, site plans, grading, mechanicals, landscaping, foundation plan, notes, schedules, floor plans, elevations, preliminaries, perspective drawings, survey, cross-sections, revisions, and addendums

Dates: 4/6/82

Daniel Fernandez Elementary School: Addition, Los Lunas, New Mexico, 5/11/1981

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8109
Scope and Contents

Site plan, floor plan, elevations, and preliminaries

Dates: 5/11/1981

Sandia Base: Environmental Test and Technology Facility, Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11/9/1981

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8212
Scope and Contents

Schematics, mechanicals, floor plans, site plans, sections, details, cross-sections, elevations, aerial views, perspective drawings, and preliminaries

Dates: 11/9/1981

Window Rock Elementary School: Additions & Alterations, Window Rock, Arizona, 5/27/1983

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8215
Scope and Contents

Mechanicals, grading, notes, details, site plans, schedules, foundation plan, sections, index, elevations, cross-sections, and signage. , From Hutchinson-Brown & Partners. In 2 folders.

Dates: 5/27/1983

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Group Home, Gallup, New Mexico, 10/19/1984

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8402
Scope and Contents

Index, site plan, grading, landscaping, sections, details, foundation plan, notes, schedules, floor plans, elevations, preliminaries, revisions, and perspective drawingsFrom Hutchinson Brown Burton & Partners.

Dates: 10/19/1984

Juan Tabo Fashion Center, 1934 Juan Tabo Blvd NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4/18/1985

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 1
Identifier: Project Number: 8408
Scope and Contents

Index, survey, grading, site plan, sections, details, foundation plan, schedules, cross-sections, elevations, mechanicals, landscaping, and preliminaries. , From Hutchinson Brown Burton & Partners.

Dates: 4/18/1985

Recreation Center, Grants, New Mexico, 2/28/1977

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Floor plans, elevations, and preliminaries

Dates: 2/28/1977

Sandia Base: Buildings 6590-6593, Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 5/1/1960

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Index, topography, details, sections, site plan, floor plans, elevations, foundation plans, schedules, elevations, mechanicals, revisions, and calculations

Dates: 5/1/1960

Sandia Base: Building 6580 Equipment Shelter, Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2/28/1962

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Index, site plan, mechanicals, sections, details, floor and foundation plans, area maps, and elevations

Dates: 2/28/1962

Sandia Base: Building 922 Modifications, Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4/12/1965

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Grading, sections, site plan, elevations, floor plans, schedules, details, cross-sections, revisions, and foundation plan

Dates: 4/12/1965

Kirtland Air Force Base: Albuquerque Operations Office Remodel, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7/6/1971

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Site plans, floor plans, notes, mechanicals, schedules, sections, details, and elevations

Dates: 7/6/1971

Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Hutchinson, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 3/13/1976

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 2
Scope and Contents

Index, site plans, floor plans, details, sections, elevations, cross-sections, foundation plan, schedules, mechanicals, preliminaries, and landscaping

Dates: 3/13/1976

Penitentiary of New Mexico: Alterations & Additions, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 10/26/1982

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 3
Scope and Contents

Floor plans, preliminaries, sections, elevations, topography, site plan, index, landscaping, schedules, notes, details, signage, mechanicals, materials, cross-sections, and foundation plansFrom Hutchinson-Brown & Partners. Includes Hospitality Center and security fencing. In 2 folders.

Dates: 10/26/1982

Sears Building: Renovation, Central Ave. & Fifth St. NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2/21/1985

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 3
Scope and Contents

Site plan, floor plan, elevations, perspective drawings, and mechanicalsFrom Hutchinson Brown Burton & Partners.

Dates: 2/21/1985

Glorieta Baptist Assembly: Estrada Quarters, Glorieta, New Mexico, 7/24/1987

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 3
Scope and Contents

Floor plans, sections, site plan, revisions, preliminaries, and elevations

Dates: 7/24/1987

Active & Passive Solar Systems

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 4
Scope and Contents

Floor plans, cross-sections, and mechanicals

Dates: 1948-1987

Wasatch Junior High School, Sixth South & Main StsHeber City, Utah

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 4
Scope and Contents

Perspective drawings, index, site plans, grading, schedules, details, landscaping, mechanicals, elevations, floor plans, sections, cross-sections, fixtures, foundation plan, notes, and schematicsFrom Silver-Allsop & Associates.

Dates: 1948-1987

Municipal Buildings for Four Towns, New Mexico, 11/6/1975

 File — Stack: 28, Drawer: 4
Scope and Contents

Elevations and floor plan. Includes Ruidoso Downs, Tatum, Cloud Croft, and Capitan.

Dates: 11/6/1975