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Punitive Expedition into Mexico Pictorial Collection

Identifier: PICT-986-015

Scope and Content

Collection consists of photographs and photomechanical postcards related to Pershing's Punitive expedition of 1916. Formats include snapshots printed on postcard paper, and commercial "real photo" and photomechanical postcards. The postcards were published by W. H. Horne Co. of El Paso, Texas, Mirror Photo Co. and G. J Kavanaugh (Kavanaugh's War Postals). Shown are: soldiers and officers, army camp and field life, military parades, mess halls, maneuvers, artillery, transport, firing squads, mass burials. Of special note are photographs of Gen. Pershing, Gen. Villa and Mrs. Villa, maneuvers in South Carolina, many images of the Thirteenth Cavalry, and a triple execution by firing squad. There are also a few touristic postcards.

Also included are a photo album containing black-and-white photographic (and some photomechanical) postcards related to Pershing's Punitive Expedition into Mexico in 1916. Some locales named are: Columbus, N.M.; Agua Prieta and Juarez in Mexico. Depicted are: battlefield dead and cremation of bodies, military vehicles including tanks and motorcycles, automatic weapons, military camp life, and two portraits of American military personnel in uniform. Most postcards bear a caption and the studio name W.H. Horne of El Paso, Texas. The album has typed captions above photos and is divided into subject subdivisions separated by captioned pages.

This album was previously accessioned as PICT 996-011.

There are also two panoramic prints of Columbus (N.M.) and the main base of the Punitive Expedition in Columbus (N.M.).


  • Creation: 1916-1917

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Copy Restrictions

Duplication of print and photographic material is allowed for research purposes. User is responsible for copyright compliance. For more information see the Photographs and Images Research Guide and contact the Pictorial Archivist.


54 items (2 boxes) : 18 photographic prints, 23 postcards, 9 color photomechanical postcards, 1 photograph album with uncounted photographs, 1 menu, 2 extra oversize panoramas

Language of Materials


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Collection consists of photographs and photomechanical postcards related to Pershing's Punitive expedition of 1916.

Physical Location

B2. Shelved by Pictorial Number. Extra oversize items shelved in the extra oversize drawers by Pictorial Number.

Collection Available Online

Most of the Punitive Expedition into Mexico Pictorial Collection is available online on New Mexico's Digital Collections.

Finding Aid of the Punitive Expedition into Mexico Pictorial Collection, 1916-1917
Edited Full Draft
Eileen Hogan
© 2013
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Revision Statements

  • Monday, 20210524: Attribute normal is missing or blank.

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131