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Number 4 Mine


Scope and Content

From the Collection:

The Albuquerque and Cerrillos Coal Company collection consists of general records associated with the operation of the company and the town of Madrid, N.M. The records span the entire duration of operation of the coal mines between 1880 and 1961, but are comprised primarily of records generated between 1924 and 1945.

The bulk of the records in this collection are financial in nature and are associated with the day to day business operations at the Madrid coal mines. Other records include employee and workman's compensation records, correspondence between the A&CCC and other businesses and individuals, as well as between George Kaseman and Oscar Huber, and information associated with the mining operations. Records associated specifically with mining activities include information on mine conditions; coal analyses, sales, and prices; coal contracts; mining laws and regulations; yardage accounts; national and local publications regarding coal mining; and relationships between mining companies and labor unions. Information on social activities in Madrid include the general store, softball and tennis teams, Christmas, Easter, and the 4th of July celebrations. General retail catalogs associated with mining, Oscar Huber's personal businesses (Huber Auto Dealership and Huber Insurance Agency), maps (town layout, mines, and buildings), and photographs are also present in the collection.

A portion of the maps and blueprints, primarily larger sized pieces pertaining to the layout of Madrid and individual mines, have been microfilmed. Other maps and blueprints are housed in oversized folders. Photographs have been transferred to CSWR Pictorial Collections. Oversized payroll and miscellaneous (primarily shipping and billing) ledgers are housed off-site.

The A&CCC manuscript collection shows potential for research in a variety of fields including social history, general history on local, regional and national levels, mining and labor, economics, occupational health and safety, education, cultural geography, and cultural anthropology.

The collection is divided into 9 series, with corresponding subseries.

From the Collection:
  1. Employee Records: Workers' Compensation; Miscellaneous
  2. Financial Records: Invoices, PO's with Invoices; PO's; Work Orders; Memorandum of Contents; Accounts Payable; Cash Receipts; Payroll Records; Albuquerque National Bank Statements and Records; Warehouse Inventories; Wage Schedules; Miscellaneous Financial Records; Ledgers
  3. Correspondence: Western Union Telegrams; Correspondence with Other Businesses; Correspondence with Individuals; General Correspondence between Oscar Huber and George Kaseman; Topical Correspondence; Correspondence about the Jones Mine; Miscellaneous Mining Correspondence
  4. Oscar Huber's Business Ventures: Madrid Company Housing; Huber's Home in Albuquerque; Huber's Auto Dealerships; Insurance Policies and Contracts
  5. Social Life: Christmas Festivals in Madrid; Publications regarding Madrid and Madrid Events; Madrid Employees' Club; Other Social Activities
  6. Publications: Mining Reports, National and Local; Catalogues regarding Mining Purchases
  7. Mine Operations: Journal Entries; Mining Yardage Books and Ledgers; Lamb Mine; New Bituminous Mine: Number 8 Mine; Number 9 Mine; Terrell Mine; Waldo/Gulch Mine; Number 12 Anthracite Mine; Number 1 Mine; Cook and White Ash Mine; Miller Gulch Mine; Number 3 Mine; Cook and White Number 4 Mine; Morgan Jones Mine; Number 32 and 33 Mines; Madrid Mining Production (Jones Mine); Coal Analyses; Coal Industries, Suppliers, Laws, Bylaws, Codes, and Rules and Regulations; Coal Business, Production, Sales, Analyses, Purchases, Royalties, and Associated Financial Records; Labor Issues
  8. Maps and Blueprints: Layout; Mines; Buildings/structures; White Ash Mine; Jones Mine; Lamb Mine; Cook and White Mine; Mine Number 1; Mine Numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6; Mine Numbers 8 and 9; Mine Numbers 32 and 33; Waldo Mine; Miscellaneous Maps and Blueprints
  9. Oversized Financial Ledgers


  • Creation: 1880-1976
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1924-1945


Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 67 boxes (65 cu. ft.) + 101 oversized ledgers + 3 oversized folders

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131