South America, North America, Mexico, Guatemala, Arctic, 1962-2001
File — Box: 18, Folder: 2-3
Scope and Content
From the Collection:
Collection includes around 78,000 35mm slides and a small number of film negatives photographed by Furst. There are also commercially purchased slides and some taken by a few other photographers, including his wife, Dee Furst. Furst used this collection for his teaching and research. The image topics include: pre-Hispanic and colonial era Latin American art and architecture; pre-Columbian, colonial, modern, and contemporary Native American ceremonial, tourist, and functional art objects, fine art, and cultural photographs; Asian and Siberian art and cultural artifacts; and photographs of flora and fauna specimens. The collection includes Furst's visits to many pre-Hispanic archaeological sites, as well as his trips to Europe. Many of the photographs are from museum collections, as well as galleries and private collections, with a significant number of images from the pre-Columbian expert David Stuart's gallery collections in Los Angeles.
Collection was received as binders of slides labeled by Furst into groups believed to correspond to lecture and research groupings. Furst's binder arrangement is preserved in folders, with each folder or folder group corresponding to one of the original binders. Slide order within binders/folders has generally been preserved; but binders have been alphabetized by topic. Collection was first received by the Bunting Visual Resources Library at the University of New Mexico and was later transferred to the Center for Southwest Research in 2016 and was processed in 2019. Specific identifying information is recorded in "general" notes with the archival object file records. A 2023 addition is comprised of an unpublished, incomplete book project returned by a publisher. The proposed book would have been titled "Shamanism and Arts of Ecstasy" and proposal materials include slides, prints, correspondence and an incomplete manuscript.
Collection was received as binders of slides labeled by Furst into groups believed to correspond to lecture and research groupings. Furst's binder arrangement is preserved in folders, with each folder or folder group corresponding to one of the original binders. Slide order within binders/folders has generally been preserved; but binders have been alphabetized by topic. Collection was first received by the Bunting Visual Resources Library at the University of New Mexico and was later transferred to the Center for Southwest Research in 2016 and was processed in 2019. Specific identifying information is recorded in "general" notes with the archival object file records. A 2023 addition is comprised of an unpublished, incomplete book project returned by a publisher. The proposed book would have been titled "Shamanism and Arts of Ecstasy" and proposal materials include slides, prints, correspondence and an incomplete manuscript.
- 1962-2001
Language of Materials
From the Collection:
Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 78,000 items (31 boxes) : 78,000 film transparencies; 9 color prints ; 35 mm slides and negatives
Sheet 1: Maya carved and incised ceramic bowls and flasks, polychrome cylinder vessels and plates. Dimensions and some info given. 1967; 1970-3; 1983; 1995-6.
Sheet 2: Glaze polychrome ceramic animal figurines associated with Winford Cole. Dimensions given. October 1995.
Sheet 3: Olmec jade snuffers. Metal mask. Maya polychrome cylinder vessel and plate. Ceramic phallic pipe. Stone mask. Catlinite pipe. Ceramic monkey figural vessel. Textile mask. Some info given. 1971; 1974; 1976; 1986; 1990; 1994; 2001.
Sheet 4: Beaded aprons. Ceramic zoomorphic figurine. Textile mask. Feather headdress. African figurines and relief sculptures. Basket with lid. Wooden objects. 1963; 1995; 1997.
Sheet 5: Masks. October 1994.
Sheet 6: Kuba textiles. NW Coast rattle. Skeletal figurine. Puebloan polychrome jar. Stone incised vessel and stone figurine, possible Maya. Tropical bird feather headdress. 1971; 1979; 1995; 1997; 2000.
Sheet 7: Hispanic cathedral and murals. March 2001.
Sheet 8: Carved fish figurine. West Mexican figurine. Pre-Hispanic anthropomorphic figural vessel. Ecuador stone figural carving. Textile. Mexican cut out bark paper. 1997.
Sheet 9: Plains canvas drawing details. Mexican cut out bark paper. Amazon feather headdress and pectoral. Mask. 1997.
Sheet 10: Amazon feathered headresses. Shipibo ceramic plate. Wooden comb. Basket and woo headdress. Mexican cut out bark paper. Baskets. Wooden panel painting. Neck rests. June 1997.
Sheet 11: Mexican cut out bark paper. Hispanic wood figurine. Duck figural vessel. Flathead beaded baby carrier. Pomo feathered basket. Amazon feather adornment. Feathered mat. Christ sculpture. Haskapi clothing. NW Coast vest. Cacaxtla site photo. Some info given. 1986; 1997; 2001.
Sheet 12: Amazon feathered adornments and rattles. Mimbres black on white bowl. Painting of Mary from ruins of Abiquini. Wooden saint sculpture. Iroquois corn husk masks. Silver earrings. Some info and dimensions given. 1981; 1990; 1997.
Sheet 13: Plains hide painting. Peruvian figural ceramics and textile. Carved rabbit. Hohokam bowl. Quartz and metal necklace. Woman weaving. Mimbres black on white bowl. NW Coast masks. Amazon feathered headdress. Some info and dimensions given. 1962; 1965-7; 1971; 1976; 1980-1; 1990.
Sheet 14: Several photos copyrighted to Robert Sonin: Guerrero serpentine masks and figurine. Mexico sculptures: Christ resurrected, Man of Sorrows, Virgin Mary. Acatzingo altar. Sheet metal adornment. Photos of Mexico corn and Chichen Itza cenote. Info and dimensions given. 1966; 1998.
Sheet 15: Shipibo-conibo beaded arm bands and breast ornaments, ceramic vessels. Images copyrighted to Robert Sonin: Moche gold bead necklace in shape of Luffa operculata, dried L. operculata. Hopi Sitkyaki revival bowl, female jumping jack figurine. Amazon feather headdress, painted center pole top piece. Ulúa stone bowl. Guadalupe sculpture: santa Maria Xixitla. Guyana beaded apron. Acoma water jar. Paiute duck decoy. Dimensions and some info given. 1968; 1980-1; 1995-8.
Sheet 16: Xochipala and Calchuapa figurines. Zuni water jars. Gilyak Siberian drum. Siberian Neolithic figurine. Haida carved figurine, mask. Tlingit bear shaman necklace. Cuna mola. Venezula beaded apron. Some dimensions and info given. 1963; 1968; 1980-3.
Sheet 17: Some object dates given. Arctic articulated figurine, masks, seal skin puppet, kayak ornament. Photo of Lake Atitlan, girl in Sacatepéquez. Karajá stools. Chimaltenango huipols. Goldi shaman costume. Amazon feathered headdress. Cherokee masks. Some dimensions and info given. 1980-2; 1989; 1997.
Sheet 18: Some object dates given. Kwakiutl wooden masks, leggings. Teotihuacan ceramic and stone figurines, stone figural vessel. Stone chacmool. Cree beaded moccasins and painted dress. Photo copyrighted to Robert Sonin: darien pendant. Colombia ceramic ocarina. Sioux painted shield. Kispiox Pole 1, 6, and 12. Some dimensions and info given. 1963; 1965-6; 1980-1; 1983; 1985; 1997.
Sheet 19: Some object dates given. Veracruz figurine, stone hacha, figural vessel. Monte Alban figurines, Site photo. NW coast painting, photos of totem poles, wolf mask. Alaskan mask Tsimshian mask. Amazon feather skirts, adornments. Donald Baird copyright hawk-man maskette. Some dimensions and info given. 1962-3; 1965; 1967; 1979-81; 1990; 1996.
Sheet 20: New Mexico virgin and saint figurines. Diaguita polychrome vessels. Photos of Taos Pueblo. Chile mask, boat form. Tlatilco vessels and figurine. Olmec wrestler, stone figurines. Some info and dimensions given. 1962; 1965; 1968; 1970-3; 1992.
Sheet 21: One object date given. Maya polychrome cylinder vessels. Maya head. Toltec figural vessel. Nazca figurine. Onondaga mask. Photo of Xochitecatl. Costa Rica polychrome vessel. Chimu mask. Some info and dimensions given. 1965; 1981; 2001.
Sheet 22: One object date given. Photos of Petroglyph park, Albuquerque. Dominican Republic figural vessel. Navajo wooden twins. Jalisco sheet gold earrings. People in Moyuhua. Textiles in San Juan Ostuncaleo. 1963-4; 1966; 1969.
Sheet 23: Guayaquil figurines. Valdivia architectural forms. Esmeraldas mask. Ecuador ceramic figural vessel, metal figurines and adornments. Ecuador figurine and figural vessel. Southeastern ceremonial complex figural vessel. Casas Grandes figural vessel. Some dimensions and info given. 1963-4; 1967-8; 1994; 1996.
Sheet 2: Glaze polychrome ceramic animal figurines associated with Winford Cole. Dimensions given. October 1995.
Sheet 3: Olmec jade snuffers. Metal mask. Maya polychrome cylinder vessel and plate. Ceramic phallic pipe. Stone mask. Catlinite pipe. Ceramic monkey figural vessel. Textile mask. Some info given. 1971; 1974; 1976; 1986; 1990; 1994; 2001.
Sheet 4: Beaded aprons. Ceramic zoomorphic figurine. Textile mask. Feather headdress. African figurines and relief sculptures. Basket with lid. Wooden objects. 1963; 1995; 1997.
Sheet 5: Masks. October 1994.
Sheet 6: Kuba textiles. NW Coast rattle. Skeletal figurine. Puebloan polychrome jar. Stone incised vessel and stone figurine, possible Maya. Tropical bird feather headdress. 1971; 1979; 1995; 1997; 2000.
Sheet 7: Hispanic cathedral and murals. March 2001.
Sheet 8: Carved fish figurine. West Mexican figurine. Pre-Hispanic anthropomorphic figural vessel. Ecuador stone figural carving. Textile. Mexican cut out bark paper. 1997.
Sheet 9: Plains canvas drawing details. Mexican cut out bark paper. Amazon feather headdress and pectoral. Mask. 1997.
Sheet 10: Amazon feathered headresses. Shipibo ceramic plate. Wooden comb. Basket and woo headdress. Mexican cut out bark paper. Baskets. Wooden panel painting. Neck rests. June 1997.
Sheet 11: Mexican cut out bark paper. Hispanic wood figurine. Duck figural vessel. Flathead beaded baby carrier. Pomo feathered basket. Amazon feather adornment. Feathered mat. Christ sculpture. Haskapi clothing. NW Coast vest. Cacaxtla site photo. Some info given. 1986; 1997; 2001.
Sheet 12: Amazon feathered adornments and rattles. Mimbres black on white bowl. Painting of Mary from ruins of Abiquini. Wooden saint sculpture. Iroquois corn husk masks. Silver earrings. Some info and dimensions given. 1981; 1990; 1997.
Sheet 13: Plains hide painting. Peruvian figural ceramics and textile. Carved rabbit. Hohokam bowl. Quartz and metal necklace. Woman weaving. Mimbres black on white bowl. NW Coast masks. Amazon feathered headdress. Some info and dimensions given. 1962; 1965-7; 1971; 1976; 1980-1; 1990.
Sheet 14: Several photos copyrighted to Robert Sonin: Guerrero serpentine masks and figurine. Mexico sculptures: Christ resurrected, Man of Sorrows, Virgin Mary. Acatzingo altar. Sheet metal adornment. Photos of Mexico corn and Chichen Itza cenote. Info and dimensions given. 1966; 1998.
Sheet 15: Shipibo-conibo beaded arm bands and breast ornaments, ceramic vessels. Images copyrighted to Robert Sonin: Moche gold bead necklace in shape of Luffa operculata, dried L. operculata. Hopi Sitkyaki revival bowl, female jumping jack figurine. Amazon feather headdress, painted center pole top piece. Ulúa stone bowl. Guadalupe sculpture: santa Maria Xixitla. Guyana beaded apron. Acoma water jar. Paiute duck decoy. Dimensions and some info given. 1968; 1980-1; 1995-8.
Sheet 16: Xochipala and Calchuapa figurines. Zuni water jars. Gilyak Siberian drum. Siberian Neolithic figurine. Haida carved figurine, mask. Tlingit bear shaman necklace. Cuna mola. Venezula beaded apron. Some dimensions and info given. 1963; 1968; 1980-3.
Sheet 17: Some object dates given. Arctic articulated figurine, masks, seal skin puppet, kayak ornament. Photo of Lake Atitlan, girl in Sacatepéquez. Karajá stools. Chimaltenango huipols. Goldi shaman costume. Amazon feathered headdress. Cherokee masks. Some dimensions and info given. 1980-2; 1989; 1997.
Sheet 18: Some object dates given. Kwakiutl wooden masks, leggings. Teotihuacan ceramic and stone figurines, stone figural vessel. Stone chacmool. Cree beaded moccasins and painted dress. Photo copyrighted to Robert Sonin: darien pendant. Colombia ceramic ocarina. Sioux painted shield. Kispiox Pole 1, 6, and 12. Some dimensions and info given. 1963; 1965-6; 1980-1; 1983; 1985; 1997.
Sheet 19: Some object dates given. Veracruz figurine, stone hacha, figural vessel. Monte Alban figurines, Site photo. NW coast painting, photos of totem poles, wolf mask. Alaskan mask Tsimshian mask. Amazon feather skirts, adornments. Donald Baird copyright hawk-man maskette. Some dimensions and info given. 1962-3; 1965; 1967; 1979-81; 1990; 1996.
Sheet 20: New Mexico virgin and saint figurines. Diaguita polychrome vessels. Photos of Taos Pueblo. Chile mask, boat form. Tlatilco vessels and figurine. Olmec wrestler, stone figurines. Some info and dimensions given. 1962; 1965; 1968; 1970-3; 1992.
Sheet 21: One object date given. Maya polychrome cylinder vessels. Maya head. Toltec figural vessel. Nazca figurine. Onondaga mask. Photo of Xochitecatl. Costa Rica polychrome vessel. Chimu mask. Some info and dimensions given. 1965; 1981; 2001.
Sheet 22: One object date given. Photos of Petroglyph park, Albuquerque. Dominican Republic figural vessel. Navajo wooden twins. Jalisco sheet gold earrings. People in Moyuhua. Textiles in San Juan Ostuncaleo. 1963-4; 1966; 1969.
Sheet 23: Guayaquil figurines. Valdivia architectural forms. Esmeraldas mask. Ecuador ceramic figural vessel, metal figurines and adornments. Ecuador figurine and figural vessel. Southeastern ceremonial complex figural vessel. Casas Grandes figural vessel. Some dimensions and info given. 1963-4; 1967-8; 1994; 1996.
Repository Details
Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131