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Reales Cedulas: Cedulas Reales / Principales / Originales - Research, 1609–1821

 File — Boxes: 9-10

Scope and Contents

From the Series: Among the places, New Spain, Guatemala, La Plata - Argentina, Peru, Chile, Tampico, Nuevo Leon, Nueva Vizcaya, Coahuila, testimony of Indians of Orizaba, etc.

New Spain - Indian affairs - Instructions of 1693 of good treatment of Indians in mines, encomiendas, mills, weaving, obrajes. Treatment of the Indians, investigating, punishing Indian caciques who mistreated Indians, complains, cases. Government protection of rights, nobility for caciques and families, as vassals of Castilla, Spain; also rights of mestizos, 1697. Crown pension to Indian cacique prebitiro, Julian Cirilo, Tlaxcala. Regulate and punish Spanish officials, vendors and religious who mistreat Indians, all forms. Tribute, repartimientos, duration of Indian work assignments, extra burden of personal service. No Indians to work on Sundays or parish feast days; Indians not to be taken from homes, are to reside in their barrios, receive religious education; no Indians are to go to Spain. Indians in New Spain helping, allied to Spanish in war on England still to pay tribute, 1781. Barrios in Mexico City, alcaldes. Christian Indians not pay tribute or work in encomiendas, 1621. Indians working in haciendas not pay tribute. Protect the Indians from Spanish, Negros, Mulatos. Negros not to hold public office. Unfair prices paid Indians for their work, goods interferred in conversion, acculturation. Protector de Indios, instructions, 1668, Antonio Laynez and others. Freedom for Indian slaves, 1679, end Indian slavery. Montezuma family, encomiendas, disputes.Indian health, hospitals; pharmacy for Indians Mexico City; Indian hospitals and cost of simple medicines vs. compuestas.

Indian uprisings and war on northern frontier, 1670s, questions of Indian tribute, labor, captives, slavery, encomiendas, mines, mission congregations. Indian revolts, mistreatment of Indians in Nueva Vizcaya, Zacatecas, Durango, Parral, Casas Grandes, Mapimi, Sonora, Nayarit, Chiapas, Jocomes, Janos, Tobosos, Cocoyomes, Chichimecas, Sierra Gorda, Sinaloa, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Cototlan, Tarahumara, Gigimes, Topia, Tlaxcala, Orizaba, Izucar; and California, Texas, Florida and New Mexico. Causes of war, Don Juan Constantino, Indian governor. Indian rebellion, mistreatment of Indians, investigations, causes of uprising, abuses of Indians by certain Spanish royal officials; post revolt peace, remedies, plans to resettle rebel Indians, missions, build them homes, educate them in farming and ranching, find land for them, settle area with Spaniards of good character as example for them; Chichimecas who not repent, make peace, convert, exiled; crown protection, royal aid for the suffering Indians of northern frontier, conversion; peace with Seris. Apaches and Hugo O’Conor, Nueva Vizcaya, Lipan Apache problems, 1779. Peace medals to Indian allies in Louisiana, help in war with England, 1780s

Government administration – New Spain, particularly, Audiencias de Guadalajara, Manila, Guadalajara - accounting, making triple and cuadriple copies, lost mail. Stamped paper for government business. Government and officials in various areas, among them Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Galicia, Zacatecas, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Nejapa, Parral, Villaalta, Charcas, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Yucatan, Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco, Guatemala, Tlaxcala, Texcoco, Tlapa, Taxco, Yanhuitlan, Tepeaca, Guanajuato; and New Mexico, California, Texas, Lousiana. Appointment of officials, elections, job recommendations, promotions, deaths, funerals, health, interims, salaries, media anata, residencies, investigations, complaints, problems with postal mail.

Founding of La Yesca, Jalisco 1781. Sinaloa under administration of Nueva Vizcaya; Saltillo, Nuevo Leon vs. Nueva Vizcaya. Regulations, tribute, taxes, quinto, alcabalas, permutes, accounts, prices, measures, weights, tasacion, diezmo, quinta, multas, debts, aduana, lottery, imports. Regulation tobacco, flax, hemp, harvest, grana, salt, naipes, tobacco, cigars, rolling paper for tobacco, snuff, pulque, mescal, whiskey, wine, rum, mistels, vinagre, madera, fruit, chocolate, cañamo, hides, corn, wool, cloth, clothing, flax, hemp, paper manufacture, lona; Tax on whiskey, aguadiente and vinegar, vinagre to repair Palacio Real, Mexico City; Regulation of gambling, drunkenness, card playing, cockfighting (roosters). Instructions to officials about encomiendas, Yucatan, Veracruz, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Galicia - some same instructions sent to Peru, Guatemala, Chile, Philippines. Handling vacant encomiendas, no encomiendas to those with government pensions. No encomiendas for Spanish officials or sons, encomiendas to women’ women and various - law suits. Encomiendas taxed for cost of defense coastline, donativos for war effort. Mining, regulations, accounts, coining moneda, stamping, silver, copper - Nueva Vizcaya, Charcas, mines, Spaniards taxed for defense, Indian uprising, wars, presidios. Northern frontier, discovery of hidden Indian mines, mining, azogue, assayer. Mining in Pachuca, Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Venezuela, Peru; China and azogue; Taxco. Tasco desague; Cuernavaca azoque; copper Cuba; Michoacan tin. Philippines, mining, salitre, silver, coining money; Philippines, gift from King of Mindanao.

Legal cases, plietos, law suites, laws, justices, courts, investigations, crimes, murder, jails, prisons,plaque in the Mexico City jail; police districts in Mexico City. Bienes de difuntos. Viceroy leaving Mexico for Peru, plans for voyage, stay in Cuba, communication Peru – New Spain. Notices births of royals, indulgences, marriages, deaths. New Spain song birds sent to Spain, 1679, Philippine female elephant gift to King, gift of deer sent to King, 1781, Francisco Trebol Navarro.Cleaning the acequias of Mexico City; care of water ways, atarque; flood in Mexico City. Repairs on the Palacio Real, Mexico City. Public baths, hot springs, Mexico City. Instructions for highway robbers, criminals. Vagabonds, sent to new settlements, Nueva Vizcaya, Yucatan, Florida. Lesser criminals sent to Louisiana. Canary Island settlers to Panama

Administration of Marquesado del Valle, Oaxaca, Cortés property. Marriage of officials, licenses travel to and from Spain, marriage with native women. Library in Spain, collecting things from all the New World countries. Health of various individuals; doctors; Indian hospitals; Indian hospital, Mexico City; surgeon for Palace; plague in Mexico City jail; plague from France and French ships; hospitals Veracruz, Yucatan, Cuba, Guadalajara; smallpox 1780; smallpox Oaxaca; epidemic Mexico; burials, cemeteries; San Carlos hospital woman giving medicines. Cuba children’s orphanage, orphan girl’s college, crown support care f Indian girls. Guatemala, earthquake. Fire in tobacco factory; explosions in gunpowder factories, mills; deaths, compensations; ship fire.

Defense, trade, commerce, regulations, rights, impact 1779 war with England on economy. Titulos de Castilla, free trade from Spain to America 1779, ship seeds and plants to New World. List of acceptable and not accepted trade items, 1778, detailed, prices, ships, ports, etc. Taxes, prices, measures, vendors, markets, meat markets, fabricas, manufacturing. Regulations, cargos, merchants, fair prices, measurements to buyers. Land, measurement, use of vara, grants, baldios, water, harvest, flour, ranching, cattle. Negro slave trade, New Spain, France, England, Portugal, Campeche, Peru. Negro, crown ordered good treatment of them, clothing, 1710. Negros in Philippines. Monopoly, no trade with foreigners. Goods from France, England (see contraband). Peru, trade with New Spain, azogue from Peru, Venezuela, Peru, trade, cacao. Oaxaca public market; Guadalajara clothing, paños; Canary Islands trade fruit, Acapulco fruit, Puebla wheat, China, products banded or taxed, textiles, silk, clothing, azogue. Botany, best way transfer plants to America, boats. Defense of coasts and islands plus interior forces, dispatches, reports, funding, etc. Cuba, Havana, islands, Española, Celaya, Cumana, Isla de Carmen, Vieques, Yucatan, Laguna de Términos, Mosquitos, Isla de Tris, Isla Cayos, Tabasco, Perote, Campeche, Merida, Veracruz, Toluca, Parral, Cumana, Isla Margarita, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Santo Tomas, Guatemala, Darien, Panama, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Philippines, Islas Marianas, Omoa, Roatan, Barcelona, Ceuta, Cerdeña, San Blas, Acapulco, California, Pacific, Peru. Inland provinces, milicias, veterans, legion military units, accounts, officers, Puebla lancers and dragoons, etc. English, French, pirates, corsairs, Dutch, Holland, Hamburg, Denmark, Sweden, Protestants, pirate Lorencillo, contraband. War with Portugal, peace; wars with England, peace. War with England of 1779, American Revolution, breaking ties, declaration of war, publication of report of sedition in London; support to France; Guatemala and French invasion, 1781. War with England and Jamaica, and Guatemala. Indians in New Spain helping, allied to Spanish in war on England still to pay tribute, 1781. Peace medals to Indian allies in Louisiana during war with England, 1780s. Indians to keep away from coasts, evacuations; operations. English, passage through ithmus, 1779, Nicaragua, Panama Canal idea. Conde de O’Reilly, Inspector General, defense measures, military actions, peace treaties, impact war on Spanish empire. Dutch from Curazao go to San Juan de Ulloa for safety, 1779. Marinas, pilots, fleets, conditions, fortifications, ports, building defensive walls, roads, storms, convoys, donativos for war effort, donation of horses. Carts, roads, bridges, pontoons, barges, engineers, mechanics, construction, skilled armorers, metalists, tailors. Presidios, commanders, troops, appointments, promotions, ranpenal laws, fuero military, prisoners of war; invalids, deserters, retirements, deaths, rights of widows, orphans, montepio, military allowance for wife, widow pension only for husband combat death, funeral issues, military need royal permit to marry. Mistreatment of troops, shortages, mutiny, deserters, supplies, bizcocho, pemits to wear uniforms. Arms, artillery, pistols, powder, shot, horses, cavalry, dragoons, recruits, cadets, training of men. Seizing property of foreigners, palo hec, tinta, añil, wood cutting, defense of coast. Trial, investigations of foreigners in New Spain, a German, Irishman, and Scottish doctor in Mexico City, Russian from a shipwrecked Thumderer, 1781. Spanish treason, contraband with English, spies, Campeche, contraband in church convents. Negro soldiers in defense of Veracruz, 1670; mulato units. Sanitation in Veracruz; troop hospital in Veracruz; mistreatment of troops in Philippines. Fleets, flota, arrivals, celebration of arrivals, Jalapa, Acapulco and Orizaba ferias, escuadras, escorts, convoys, admirals. Lost ships, ship wrecks, fire, galley ships, packetboats, shipbuilding, wood cutting, lona, Havana, special boats to transport trees, tree farms. Yucatan sent maiz to Cuba; Yucatan, Santo Domingo, Cuba, Cartagena sent ships to Mexico, Philippines; New Spain sent support, swords to Philippines; cannons from Peru. Inventions, Luis Bertucat, portable forge, 1779. Jose Carnejo, metal works. Nueva Vizcaya, Sinaloa, Tepehuanes, problems in the presidios, appointments, commanders. Teodoro de Croix, plans, organization of the Provincias Internas, presidios. Provincias Internas, commander operate independent from Viceroy, 1792

Missions, churches, Franciscans, Jesuits, Agustinians, Dominicans, Betlemitas, Carmelites. Missionaries, churches, conversions, Asia, China, Philippines, Yucatan, Guatemala, Coahuila, Nayarit, Michoacan, Nueva Vizcaya, Chinarra, Conchos, Seris, Pimas, Nueva Galicia, Zacatecas, Puebla, Guadalajara, Sinaloa, Tarahumares, Parral, Sierra Gorda, Chichimecas, Sonora, Queretaro, Jalisco, Peru, Chile and New Mexico, California, Florida, Texas. Cost of missions, convents, churches, bishops, buildings, crown support, church and altar furnishings. Reductions, education of Indians. Activities of religious orders, vacancies, appointments, required to stay where assigned. Religious, secular clergy, secularization of curatos. Monjas, nuns, communal life, Council of Trent, 1780. Indian women caciques sisters of Corpus Cristi de Mexico found convents of Santa Clara, 1779; Spanish women establish new hospice. Cofradias, Indian cofradia in Orizaba; penitents, Mexico City and Michoacan. Spanish and Indian religious not to go to Spain, licenses, permits, mesada eclesiastica. Church and state conflicts in Coahuila, Michoacan, Yucatan, Tabasco, Chiapas, Puebla, Campeche, Oaxaca; conflict Bishops of Mexico and Puebla over Cordova hospital. Health, insanity, Bishop of Durango. Exile of New World religious back to Spain, 1681. Collection and supply of vino and aceite for services, maiz for missions. Education in Philippines, Peru, Mexico, Puebla, Guatemala, Pachuca, colleges, university, teachers. Consolidation of small colleges into largest ones, Colegio de Santos and student disturbances, 1780. University of Santiago, Guatemala, education, 1678; University of Mexico; Virgin of Guadalupe college, statues; Colegio of Descalzos Pachuca. Education of Mixteca, missionaries need to learn Indian languages, school in Oaxaca. Schools for caciques’ sons, colleges, Indians, teaching them Spanish, New Spain, Peru, primary school, school in Veracruz. Report on the cathedrals, churches, construction, repair, Mexico City, Puerto Rico, Michoacan, Acapulco, Santo Domingo island. Protestant bibles shipped to New Spain, books banned; contraband found in convents. History of America, banned book; Book on Iroquois Indians, conditions, 1779 banned. Anti-administration book by Franciscans of Jalisco, 1779, vs. tobacco, alcabalas. History of Indies book, collection material for it, send materials from New World to Spain. Census of Indians, New Spain, Peru, reports on conditions. Religious not to have mines or engage in commerce, detrimental to conversions. Holy sacraments, last rites for Indians who are ill, Chiapa. Holy Week ceremonies, fiestas, fireworks; feast days, Indian fiestas and dangerous alfereces, cofradias; penitents, asylum in churches. Chairs reserved, adorned for elite Spanish in churches, classism.Papal bulas, cruzadas. some Inquisition related material. Sainthood for Gregorio Lopez. Indian marriages, See Indian affairs, uprisings, defense, conversion Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Galicia Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Chiapas, etc.

California, Florida, Carolina, Louisiana, Texas - California, conquest, Francisco de Picolo, instructions of officials, crown aid, conquest. Conditions, towns, settlers, cattle. Missions, Franciscans, Jesuits, schools for Indians, which Bishop, jurisdiction. California ports, San Diego, San Francisco. Presidios, coastal defense, commerce, ships, English pirates, China, Philippines, fleets. Texas, 1719 discovery Bahia Espiritu Santo, missionaries from Queretaro to Texas, missions, expenses, horses, troops, San Antonio de Bexar. War with England, American Revolution and Texas, San Antonio de Bejar, 1779. Florida, French in Bahia de Santa Maria de Galve, Pensacola, Florida and armada. Pensacola, drawing, plans 1728, Apalache fort. Spanish officials sent to Florida, settlers to Florida, Apalache, Canary Islanders, vagabonds to Florida. Tlaxcala, Indian farmers to Florida. Florida, defense from English, presidio troops, hospital, aid for widows, orphans of troops. Indian affairs, missions, mistreatment of Indians, Bishop for Florida. Apalache, English mistreat Indians, Spanish protect them, Henry Staplen, Louisiana Indians. Mobile, Alabama and French, 1709. War with England, American Revolution, 1779 along Gulf Coast, Mobile, Alabama, Pensacola. Mass thanksgiving Spanish victory over English Pensacola. Carolinas and English, 1708. Louisiana, men accused of lesser crimes sent as settlers, Louisiana, war with England, actions on gulf coast, Bernardo de Galvez; troops, supplies, Michoacan wheat to New Orleans. Defense, Negro soldiers, pardos. British fleet moves to New York, 1779, Cuba gives money to French fleet for Yorktown, 1781. Louisiana, New Orleans, French, contraband trade, tobacco. War with England, American Revolution and Louisiana, New Orleans, 1779, New Orleans, King’s peace medals for Indians in alliance, 1780. Louisiana, 1805, no defined boundary, U.S. encroachment, hostile designs on territory, James Monroe, Pedro Cavallos.

New Mexico – among them - conditions, conversions of Pueblos, 1631, reductions, reorganization, 1679. Uprising in Santa Fe, Governor Luis Rosas, 1643. Mistreatment of the Indians and Spaniards by the governor, 1652-1654, Gov. Samaniego to remedy. Franciscans to New Mexico, at crown expense, 1673. Caravans, carros with limosnas, oil and wine, 1665, 1674, Manso contract for carros, 166.; Mission expense, 169.; Tax on wine from Mexico City, Veracruz, caravans, 1678. Apache attacks on New Mexico settlements, missions, Chichimecas, 1678. Benavides plan route from New Mexico to Quivira, Teguayo, 1678. Causes of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt, believed to be the failure of padres to convert the Indians, apostacy among Indians. Post Pueblo 1680 revolt, conditions at El Paso. presidio, sendig troops to defend New Mexico, resettlement, missions, supplies, Ayeta, NM 1686. Toribio de Huerta, 1689, Zuni, Hopi, Sierra Azul, Quivira, Sinaloa, Sonora. References to Zuni, Hopi, mining, Sierra Azul, almagre, azogue. Gov. Cruzate, Indian resistance, Spanish headquarters in Zia Pueblo, Santa Fe. Gov. Diego de Vargas, recruiting families and aid for NM, presidio soldiers, from Sombrerete, Parral, Zacatecas, El Paso, Nueva Vizcaya. Indian revolts of 1690s, causes; New Mexico, post revolt conditions, problems, shortages , more missionaries; Post revolt treatment of Indians, captives, labor. Gov. Diego de Vargas, death, daughter, family. Gov. Pedro de Cubero, Gov. Joseph de Medina Chacon y Salazar, Governor Peñuela. Apache attacks, not have money to pay presidio troops to defend colony, funding from Junta de los Rios and other presidios. Salary for Santa Fe presidio, money from Guadalajara, not Mexico, Felix Martinez, Pedro Rivera. Gov. Cuervo y Valdez, service in Coahuila; later governor. Poor conditions in NM, 1711, suffering, Spanish, Pueblos, missions, conversions, shortage of missionaries. Church decorations, art. Peace with Navajo. Founding of Villa de Alburquerque, Albuquerque, Galisteo, Santa Cruz, new settlers, re-establishing Pojoaque Pueblo. Hopi, 1716 recovery. Jesuit and Franciscan conflicts, same as in Nueva Vizcaya, Chinarra, Conchos. New Mexico French contraband, Louisiana, porcelain china, 1723. Juan Bautista de Anza, Santa Rosa presidio, Guache. Eusebio Duran y Chavez, funds from crown, 1776. Franciscans to New Mexico, 1780. Donativos for war with England, 1780s, possibly include New Mexico. Bernardo Bustamante, Santa Fe presidio, 1792 cedula extension.


  • 1609–1821

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English, Spanish, French, Mayan, Latin

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 23 boxes (16.5 cu. ft.), 267 volumes, 322 microfilm reels (masters in cabinets), 322 CDs


Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131