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 File — Box: 115

Scope and Content

From the Collection:

John Nichols' papers document a wide range of history and culture and personal connections in New Mexico (and elsewhere) over the last 55 years. This all-inclusive collection contains almost every draft of every manuscript Nichols has written, and every piece of correspondence that he has sent and received since the late 1950s. The collection not only documents the creation and evolution of his literary works, but precisely documents the literary process. His correspondence, speeches, and artwork chronicle contemporary political and social issues and shed light not only on John Nichols, but also illuminate the perspectives of a large array of contemporary literary, political, and everyday figures and issues in New Mexico and around the globe.

Activities, 1970-2008: These files include speeches, political organizing, trips, magazine articles, and many other projects and activities undertaken by Nichols.

Articles, 1969-2007: Contain various newspaper and magazine articles about John Nichols and his books.

Artwork, 1969-2004: Sketchbooks, drawings and cartoons by John Nichols. Significant works including a complete set of pen and ink calavera drawings, artists proofs, and etchings of calaveras done to illustrate The Magic Journey; published and unpublished political cartoons, mostly done during the 1970s for Albuquerque's alternative newspaper, Seer's Catalogue, and illustrations and cartoons done for Hamilton College's track & field newsletter The Good Scout.

Book Reviews, 1965-2007: Published reviews of John Nichols' books.

Book/Film Contracts, 1964-2012: Xerox copies of some of the main contracts Nichols has signed for book publishing, film options, and screen-writing assignments. With a few magazine and journal and audio recording pufferies thrown in.

Book/Movie/Agent Correspondence, 1963-2007: This consists of files of correspondence between Nichols and agents, editors, publishers, producers, directors, production people, and others involved with his professional life of writing books and screenplays.

Correspondence 1950s-1960s, 1950-2012: This series contains letters from Nichols' teenage years, while at Hamilton College, and then living in New York City until 1969. Later correspondence is often included, the criteria being that the letter exchanges began in the 1950s or 1960s.

Envelope Diaries, 1998-2002: Envelope diaries and field observations played a huge role in creating Nichols' literature. He kept a record of hikes on the backs of envelopes and carefully typed up these transcripts afterwards. Once he began carrying a little tape recorder that was the end of the envelope diary field notes.

Eulogies, 1980-2007: Written by John Nichols for some of his departed friends.

Fan Letters, 1969-2011: Consist mainly of letters to Nichols, mostly from strangers, commenting on his books or other projects, and of carbons of some of his typed replies to these letters from strangers.

General Correspondence, 1970-2012

Jouranl/Diary Ephemera, 1955-1966: Ephemera connected to Nichols' life between age 15-26, during prep school and college and a few years after college.

Journal/Diary Files, 1956-2007: Nichols has kept journals off and on since age fifteen.

Manuscripts, 1957-2012: This series contains nearly every draft of every title that John Nichols wrote between 1957 and 2012. Notable titles include "The Sterile Cuckoo" and the New Mexico Trilogy: "The Milagro Beanfield War," "The Magic Journey," and "The Nirvana Blues."

Memorabilia, 1968-1997: Hermes Rocket typewriter used to type Milagro, and Olympia typewriter used to type manuscripts from 1974 until 1997, when Nichols finally began using the computer.

Miscellaneous Carbons, 1964-2009: These are carbon copies of business and personal letters, typed by Nichols and not matched up with correspondence files elsewhere.

Novel Notes, 1961-2006: Notes that Nichols scribbled in notebooks and on the backs of envelopes. He often wrote dozens of variations on a theme in notebooks trying to get a handle, find a starting point.

Phone Messages, 1987-2007

Photographs, 1955-2013: This is a cross-section of photographs of Nichols, his family and friends, lots of photographs related to publicity for his books, or hiking mesas and climbing mountains.

Photography Workshops in Taos, 1988-1998: Nichols' friend sponsored the Owens Valley Photography Workshops (begun in 1975) for many years. The workshops catered to serious, and usually large-format, photographers in the mold of Ansel Adams and others of his ilk. Nichols guest lectured at the workshop for 10 summers, beginning in 1988.

Pocket Notebooks, 1980-2010: Things to do, lists, notes for novels, field notes when hiking, random thoughts, and so forth.

Publications, 1959-2007: Magazines and newspapers containing articles by or about Nichols. This includes prep school and college literary magazines, the Hamilton Spectator and New Mexico Review.

Request Letters, 1970-2012: Mostly letters from people asking John Nichols to "do stuff," like read their books, blurb their books, find them a publisher, come and speak to their class, do a workshop, contribute books for their benefit auction, etc.

Royalty Statements,1965-2011

Screenplays, 1965-2004: Includes screenplays, drafts, and edited drafts of screenplays written by Nichols, or written by others as adaptations of Nichols' works. Notable titles include "Missing" and "The Milagro Beanfield War."

Slides, 1960-2000: Most of the slides were taken between 1973 and 1995, primarily in and around Nichols' Taos home, in Taos proper, or around the immediate Taos valley and western mesas, or on some of the small streams southeast of Taos or in the mountains of Taos County.

Videos 1984-2013: This is a collection of videos include interviews or documentariesJohn Nichols has done I've done or documentaries I've done, or have been included in.


  • Creation: 1981-1999

Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research, however, researchers must sign consent form prior to gaining access to materials. Calavera drawings, proofs, and etchings as well as "little diaries" (Boxes 14, 125, 126, 129, 142) are housed in high security and may require up to 24 hours for retrieval. Enlarged photocopies and typed transcriptions of "little diaries" in Box 142 are located in Box 184.


From the Collection: 184 boxes (172 cu. ft.)

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BLOOMSBURY REVIEW - Sept/Oct. 1981. Interview with John Nichols, by John Sullivan. pp. 15-18. Also: reviews of MILAGRO, MAGIC, and NIRVANA. Called "Displacing a Culture." By Linda Ferguson.

THE NEW YORK TIMES - December 1981. Article on page 22 about Western authors and John Nichols.

REVISTA – Spring 1982. Interview with John Nichols. p 5.

ART LINES - June 1982. "John Nichols: Myths, Movies, and Mediocrity." An interview. Cover foto and inside fotos by Bernard Plossu. Includes repro of ms. page from The Nirvana Blues. pp. 11-15, 44-46.

TAOS ARTS 1983 - Supplement of Taos News. Arts Festival Program. Oct. 1-7, 1983. "An Evening With a Tranquility Junkie." By John Nichols. Riff about the mesa. pp. 17-19.

IMPACT MAGAZINE - Albuquerque Journal. June 28, 1983. "Rafting the Rio." By John Nichols. pp. 13-16, 21. My raft trip with Betty Read, Wayne Horman, and the Rogers on Memorial Day down the mighty Rio.

IMPACT - Alb. Journal. Jan. 17, 1984. "John Nichols' ON THE MESA." Cover story. Excerpt from the book, by John Nichols. With 10 of my color fotos. pp. 4-12.

IMPACT - Alb. Journal. Feb. 28, 1984. "After The Triumph." Cover story by John Nichols. My trip to Nicaragua in Dec. 1983. pp. 4-7, 13. With 7 of my color fotos.

DALLAS LIFE MAGAZINE - Dallas Morning News. Oct. 18, 1987. "A Literary View of the Southwest." Paul Brown. Photos by Paul Brown. I'm on the cover, and on p. 20.

THE BLOOMSBURY REVIEW - July/Aug. 1987. "Out On a Limb." An interview with John Nichols by Ray Gonzalez. pp. 16, 17, 26. Foto by Juanita Nichols.

ARTLINES - Winter 1986-87. * "Every Stone You Throw Has Ripples Out Infinitely." Interview of John Nichols by Jaap VanderPlas. p. 11, 29. IMPACT – March 11, 1986. Cover story The Stock Pond.

IMPACT - Alb. Journal. Oct. 20, 1987. "A Fragile Beauty." Cover story by John Nichols. pp. 4-9, 14. Excerpt from the book. 5 of my color fotos. Tim Weld foto of me in Guatemala. Picture of Monique with lariat.

TEMPO - The Taos News. April 23, 1987. Cover story (and photo). Article by Jean Nathan. 3 B & W fotos by Juanita Nichols. pp. 2-3.

IMPACT - Alb. Journal. April 12, 1988. "Greetings From Europe: John Nichols Travels on $600, 2 pairs of shoes, 12 aspirins, 4 valium and 3 laxatives a Day." By John Nichols. 11 of my fotos. pp. 4-9.

PASATIEMPO - Santa Fe New Mexican. Nov. 6, 1992. Cover Story. "Words on the Wind." By Wolf Schnieder. Photos by Steve Northrup. pp. 24-26. About writers and the West.

THE BLOOMSBURY REVIEW - March/April 1995. "How To Succeed As a Writer...In 1,256,347 Lessons." By John Nichols. pp. 3-4, 24-25. (Speech given to RM Booksellers, Nov. 4, 1994.)

THE COLORADO SPRINGS INDEPENDENT - April 10-16, 1996. Excerpts from THE VOICE OF THE BUTTERFLY. By John Nichols. "A Traffic Violation." And: "Our Scam Explained." pp. 11-12, 14.

EMPIRE MAGAZINE - The Denver Post. Nov. 2, 1997. "The Milagro Man." By Dave Petersen. Fotos by Dori Hagler. pp. 12-19.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - July 1998. Breckenridge, Co. "What is to be Done." Riff on capitalism given at 1996 Prairie Festival at Land Institute in Salina, Ks. p.8.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - August 1998. "An Elegy for Armageddon." Part I. p.8. Also interview with JTN by Stacy Malkan.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - September 1998. "An Elegy for Armageddon." Part II. p.8.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - November 1998. "An Elegy for Armageddon." Part III. p. 8.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - February 1999. "Conscience and Community." Abridged essay that first appeared in a much longer version in Heaven is Under Our Feet. By John Nichols. P. 11.

SUMMIT FREE PRESS - Dec. 1999. "Negative Realities We Can't Afford to Ignore," by John Nichols. Book review of Tom Athanasiou's DIVIDED PLANET. Page 12.

GERONIMO - February 1999. "Infinity in a Grain of Sand." Interview of John Nichols by Tom Collins. Includes, in B & W, my photo of Andrés Martínez (Andres Martinez) and Pacomio Mondragon. Pages 23-24.

HORSE FLY - November 15, 1999. Book review of The Magic Journey, by Bill Whaley. P. 21. Book review of DIVIDED PLANET: The Ecology of Rich and Poor. By John Nichols. P. 23. "Into Pretty Thin Air," story of climbing Wheeler Peak. By John Nichols. P.32-33

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131