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Land Grants, 1975-1977


Scope and Contents

From the Series:

This series reflects Dr. Quintana’s involvement with historico-political matters. It is divided into four subseries the first of which contains material on Hispano and Native American history and culture, consisting mainly of notes, clippings, and archival material on colonial Indian relations. This subseries also contains material on contemporary issues of health and disease among Hispanos, their experiences with the medical system, and information on environmental concerns and social impact. The second subseries concerns the Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres and Reies Tijerina. This material dates from 1966-1988 and contains correspondence regarding the organization and Tijerina; correspondence with various funding institutions to conduct a study of the organization and its struggle; reports and testimonies on behalf of the Alianza and Tijerina; and news clippings about Tijerina’s court cases. Here can also be found a small amount of information, mainly the manual and constitution, of La Raza Unida Party of New Mexico. The third subseries contains material on New Mexico land grants including correspondence, notes, related publications, and archival material pertaining to various land grants. The final subseries is on the Indian Civil Rights Bill and contains petitions, statements and testimonies by Dr. Quintana and other scholars, the ACLU, and different Pueblo members and representatives from 1969-1977. There is also information on the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project that took place in 1977.


  • Creation: 1975-1977


Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Access to ethnographic or informant data is restricted to academic researchers, with the written approval of the Director of the Center for Southwest Research, on the condition that researchers agree not to divulge the true names or identities of the persons with whom the records are concerned in any written work, oral report, or any other release to the public. Researchers will sign a consent form agreeing to the above conditions. Access to this material by others will be at the discretion and written authorization of Joel Swadesh or his designee. This restriction expires in 2050.


From the Collection: 8 boxes (6.4 cu. ft.), plus 1 oversize folder

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131