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Jennifer Harbury and Efraín Bamaca Velásquez, 1993-1994.


Scope and Content

From the Collection:

The collection documents human rights violations in Guatemala between 1980 and 1996. Materials include human rights reports from international non-governmental organizations, reports from women's and child advocacy groups, publications from popular and revolutionary groups, and information about U.S. policy towards Guatemala. This collection contains news clippings, articles, legal briefs and papers, scholarly papers, legislation, and ephemera. The collection is organized into the following nine overlapping series.

Human Rights Violations - contains extensive reports written by the Commission on Guatemalan Human Rights, the Guatemalan Church in Exile, and the United Nations, among others. These documents expose the grim reality of human rights abuses suffered by the Guatemalan people over a period spanning three decades. This box also contains information that was distributed to U.S. citizens about the situation in Guatemala by U.S. human rights groups such as the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala. Also included are articles written by both Guatemalans and citizens of the U.S. discussing the violations and describing the daily life of people living in constant fear as well as in dire poverty.

Military Repression and Genocide - consists of lists of those murdered, personal testimonies of abuse, and descriptions of massacres and documentation of the specific cases of Dianna Ortiz and Jennifer Harbury/Efraín Bamaca Velásquez. Lists were compiled by human rights organizations and include a separate list of women and children murdered. This series also includes information about the military's counterinsurgency campaign and plan of action as well as condemnations of military tactics published by human rights groups.

Campesino and Revolutionary Movements - contains information and extensive publications about the Unidad Revolucionario Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG), including transmissions from their radio station, La Voz Popular. This series also contains information from other campesino, labor, and revolutionary groups as well as publications and documentation about the peace process in the mid-nineties.

Social and Economic Consequences of Low-Intensity Conflict and Military Repression - is divided into sub-series; the economy, health and environment, children, and refugees. Materials include papers as well as official documentation from the Guatemalan government and international human rights organizations, an extensive collection of news clippings on child trafficking, and many documents from the Asociación de Refugiados Dispersos de Guatemala (ARDIGUA.).

Church - contains organizational documents, articles, publications and news clippings about Christian base communities, agrarian reform led by Father Andrés, repression of the church, evangelicalism, the religious right, and U.S. religious influence.

Women - includes information from Women for Guatemala (a U.S. - based group), IXQUIC, La Mujer en Guatemala, and other Guatemalan women's organizations. The series documents topics such as women and labor, oppression, murder, sexual abuse of women, and women's rights within a regional focus.

Elections/Guatemalan Politics - consists of articles, news clippings, and official documents from Guatemala including information and campaign pamphlets from Guatemalan political parties, from the Organización del Pueblo en Armas (ORPA), and from U.S. organizations critical of Guatemalan politics.

U.S. Policy - includes extensive documentation by NGO's of U.S. support for repressive Guatemalan governments and policies, congressional documents, intelligence documents, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices produced by the State Department, information regarding U.S. connections with international lending agencies and international arms deals, and documentation of the U.S. government,s partnership with business interests in Guatemala.

Press - includes reports, articles, clippings, and publications from EnfoPrensa, as well as Guatemalan news reported in the Mexican press, "News about Guatemala" (a news service), news briefs about human rights abuses; and criticism of Guatemala in the mass media.


  • Creation: 1993-1994.


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

English Spanish; Castilian

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 7 boxes (6.45 cu. ft.), plus 1 oversized folder

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131