"The Problem of Employment Creation and the Role of the Agricultural Sector in Latin America" - Monroe Herman Rosner paper, 1974.
File — Box: 4, Folder: 14
Scope and Content
From the Collection:
T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection has been separated.
T. Lynn Smith Pamphlets have been separated from this collection. Titles can be downloaded at T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection
The first series contains general and biographical information relating to T. Lynn Smith. The rest of the collection is divided into topical and geographic series. Each series consists of Smith's data and research materials, his papers and articles, colleagues' research papers, information on various foundations/institutions/associations, and related correspondence. Each series and subseries are organized from the more general to the more specific.
The topical series deal with materials of a more general nature, not specific to certain countries. The geographic series deal with data and research on specific countries. Due to a strong emphasis in Smith's work on Brazil and Colombia, they are each their own series.
There are three topical series in the collection: Sociology, Rural Sociology, and Population Studies. Each of these series is organized into three main sections-- general material, U.S. related material (particularly the South), and Latin American related material. There are four geographic series within the collection: Census Information (organized by specific country), Brazil, Colombia, and Individual Countries.
Materials in this collection are predominantly in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
I. General and Biographical Information
This series is divided into 3 subseries.
Smith Background includes T. Lynn Smith's personal statements, curriculum vitae, research interests and publication lists.
General Correspondence includes correspondence not specific to the other series within the collection. Files are organized alphabetically in the following six categories- correspondence with colleagues and friends, correspondence with or about various institutes and foundations, correspondence concerning specific topics, correspondence about possible jobs, correspondence about various meetings and guest lectureships, and correspondence about various books and publications.
General Articles contains articles written by Smith for various encyclopedias and dictionaries during the earlier part of his career
II. Sociology
This series is divided into seven subseries:
Development of Sociology contains material relating to the development of sociology in the U.S., specifically the South; and the development of sociological studies of Latin America in the United States.
Research and Teaching deals mainly with scholarship in Latin America, teaching sociology, and student performance.
Social Theory encompasses general theoretical materials on sociology, lectures given by P.A. Sorokin, papers by Smith on Sorokin's and Carle Zimmerman's sociological principles, correspondence and materials from Smith's Social Problems, and Smith's paper on the importance of Spanish thinkers in sociology.
The more general material in Sociocultural Studies addresses such topics as the process and objectives of community development and planning, social systems, the sociology of conflict, sociology of change, and poverty. The U.S. section addresses issues social stratification, emergence of urban centers and social institutions, and studies on wives and widows in the U.S. The Latin American section deals with social trends, social change, colonization and settlement, social systems, industrialization, and social values including religion and marriage.
The last three subseries are Associations/Foundations/Institutions, Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence, all to the Sociology.
III. Rural Sociology
This series is divided into nine subseries:
Biographical Information contains Smith's paper "How I Became a Rural Sociologist" and newspapers clippings about Smith's work in rural sociology.
Development of Rural Sociology focuses on the development of rural sociology in the U.S. and specifically the South, and the development of rural sociology in Latin America.
Agricultural Development relates solely to Latin America, dealing with such subjects as the improvement of agricultural systems, impediments to modernization, and food production.
Community Studies contains general information and information specific to the U.S. and Latin America. The general materials cover topics including social psychology of rural life and the emerging community. U.S. related information addresses the role of the village and community, trends and changes in community organization, population, trade centers, social stratification with information specific to the South, Colorado, and Louisiana. The Latin American materials address organization and development of the rural community; and changes in the rural community.
General topics in Farming Systems include agricultural systems, land utilization, and standards of living. The U.S. specific material covers the line village, types of farm laborers, trends in farm labor, cattle farming in the midwest, cotton and plantation farming in the south, and farming trends in Louisiana. The Latin American material covers rural social systems, agricultural policy, and the development of family sized farms.
Almost all of the materials in Agrarian Reform relate to Latin America. The only U.S file is on Smith's paper, "Studies of the Great Rural Tap Roots of Urban Poverty in the U.S." The Latin American material covers features and fundamentals of agrarian reform and information from various courses, institutions and associations pertaining specifically to agrarian reform, such as the International Labor Conference and Primer Curso sobre Reforma Agraria.
As in the other series, the next three subseries are Associations/Institutions/Foundations, Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence, all relating to Rural Sociology.
IV. Population Studies
This series contains eight subseries:
General Information includes critics' remarks on Smith's Latin American Population Studies; and rough drafts of chapters of Population.
Population Analysis has been further divided into general information, composition, class structure, and race and reproduction rates. General material covers population studies of Florida, Latin America, Central America, and various individual Latin American countries. The general series also includes materials on specific statistics and errors in statistics reporting in terms of population analysis and census information. The materials on composition are only related to U.S. studies. The topics cover village demography, age distribution, homogenization of society, and the composition of southern cities. Class structure also relate only to U.S. studies. The topics cover the class structure of farm society and the class structure of contemporary society. The materials on race and reproduction rate only relate to Latin America.
Population Growth includes information on church growth in specific U.S. cities and Latin American population growth.
Population Trends is divided into trends and migration. The U.S. material in trends includes various population projections for the U.S and Florida and population trends of Louisiana and the African American population. The Latin American material covers information on current and demographic trends and population policies in Latin America. The migration section covers characteristics of migrants and migration, migration in the U.S, and migration and problems associated with migration in Latin America.
Urbanization covers the emergence of urban centers in the South, urbanization in Latin America, problems of urbanization in Latin America, the study of Latin American cities, and the demographics of rural-urban migration.
Aging Studies is almost entirely related to the U.S. The section contains information on the distribution of the aging population, the increase in the aging population, the effects of the aging population, the migration of the aging population, studies on the aged U.S. and Negro population, and a study of age in Latin America.The last subseries are Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence relevant to Population Studies.
V. Cenus Information
This series contains census data, instructions for census takers, and census results. The series is organized alphabetically by country. Most of the information pertains to the 1950 census in each country. The materials for each specific country vary, but many contain information on training and directions for the census takers, census forms and census results. The series also contains material on the 1960 Census of America, which contains a series of the newsletter Noticiero.
VI. Individual Countries
Contains country specific information. The series is organized alphabetically into subseries, and includes Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Information varies from country to country, but generally includes Smith's own research and work, papers by colleagues, and correspondence. Almost all materials and information are related to sociology, rural sociology, and population studies.
VII. Brazil
The Brazil series is broken up into four subseries. Each of these subseries is organized in a similar manner to the respective topical series above.
General Information and Correspondence includes information on Smith in relation to Brazil and general correspondence relating to Brazil.
Sociology is further divided into the development of sociology, social theory, sociocultural studies, and research papers by colleagues. The first section covers the development of sociology in Brazil and the relationship between sociology and sociologists in Brazil and the U.S. The social theory section covers group structure and social change in Brazil. The sociocultrual studies section includes material on colonization and settlement, patterns of living, Amazon population studies, Italian-Brazilian population studies, and race contact in Brazil.
Rural Sociology
is further divided into community studies, farming systems, agrarian reform, associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence. The community studies section covers information on rural community development, community organizing, the Caipira community, the Dutch community, the role of the press in rural affairs. Farming systems contains information on land survey, tenancy, the relationship of the people to the land, the latifundia system, the relationship between the population and the food supply, and hog raising in Brazil. The agrarian reform section contains memorandums and lectures given by Smith about agrarian reform in Brazil. The next three sections are associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence all related to Rural Sociology.
Population Studies is further divided into population analysis, population growth, trends, and urbanization. Population analysis includes composition, class structure, and race. The composition material includes collections of statistics from Brazilian cities and states and a series of the "Pesquisas Demogr?ficas" numbers 10-15. The class structure material consists of one file of data on class structure. Trends covers immigration and migration. The immigration material covers general immigration and statistics and information pertaining to the Japanese population in Brazil. The migration material covers migration studies and migration patterns in Brazil. The population growth section contains information on population growth and economic growth related to the population. Materials include statistical information on birth, death and fertility rates as well as papers on the growth and redistribution of the population. The urbanization section contains demographic information on urbanization and a comparative study of urbanization in Brazil. The next three sections are associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence all related to Population Studies.
VIII. Colombia
The Colombia series is organized into four subseries:
General Information includes a personal narrative on Colombia, correspondence pertaining to Colombia, and newspaper articles collected by Smith on Colombia.
Sociology is divided into the development of sociology, sociocultural studies, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence. The development of sociology section includes materials about the Colombian Sociology Association and the sociology department at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sociocultural studies deals with various community studies and colonization and settlement. The last section contains research papers by colleagues related to sociology in Colombia.
Rural sociology is divided into development of rural sociology, agricultural development, community studies, farming systems, agrarian reform, associations/foundations/institutions, and research papers by colleagues. General information includes a memorandum drafted by Smith, and materials from a class Smith taught in Colombia on rural sociology. The section on agricultural development contains numerous laws, accords, and decrees related to agriculture in Colombia as well as Smith's fieldnotes and papers on agricultural development and agricultural systems. Community studies contains information on individual communities, land tenure, property rights and land surveys. Farming systems contains information on the relationship between the population and the food supply, land tenure and soil erosion, agricultural systems, and agricultural extension. Agrarian reform contains Smith's study of agrarian reform in Colombia. The last two sections are associations/foundations/institutions and research papers by colleagues, both containing information pertaining to rural sociology in Colombia.
Population Studies is organized into population analysis and trends. Population analysis covers information on birth rate, sex ratio, racial composition, and population change. Trends includes information on immigration in Colombia.
IX. Binders
Contains materials and information that Smith collected and bound himself. The materials in each folder have been left as they were in Smith's binders and whenever possible, folder titles retain Smith's original binder titles. The series has been reorganized into five subseries based on the content of the files.
Geographic materials relate to specific geographic areas. Individuals, Institutions and Companies contains correspondence and materials related to various institutions or companies that Smith was involved with. Conferences, Seminars, Professional Associations binders contain programs, agendas, and related materials, as well as correspondence and Smith typescripts. Reprints and Bulletins contains compilations of published articles written by T. Lynn Smith. Scrapbook contains news clippings, in Spanish, featuring T. Lynn Smith.
X. Oversize
Consists of two folders containing newspapers, events publicity, maps (related to population studies, immigration, and migration), and two pennants, and a poster.
T. Lynn Smith Pamphlets have been separated from this collection. Titles can be downloaded at T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection
The first series contains general and biographical information relating to T. Lynn Smith. The rest of the collection is divided into topical and geographic series. Each series consists of Smith's data and research materials, his papers and articles, colleagues' research papers, information on various foundations/institutions/associations, and related correspondence. Each series and subseries are organized from the more general to the more specific.
The topical series deal with materials of a more general nature, not specific to certain countries. The geographic series deal with data and research on specific countries. Due to a strong emphasis in Smith's work on Brazil and Colombia, they are each their own series.
There are three topical series in the collection: Sociology, Rural Sociology, and Population Studies. Each of these series is organized into three main sections-- general material, U.S. related material (particularly the South), and Latin American related material. There are four geographic series within the collection: Census Information (organized by specific country), Brazil, Colombia, and Individual Countries.
Materials in this collection are predominantly in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
This series is divided into 3 subseries.
Smith Background includes T. Lynn Smith's personal statements, curriculum vitae, research interests and publication lists.
General Correspondence includes correspondence not specific to the other series within the collection. Files are organized alphabetically in the following six categories- correspondence with colleagues and friends, correspondence with or about various institutes and foundations, correspondence concerning specific topics, correspondence about possible jobs, correspondence about various meetings and guest lectureships, and correspondence about various books and publications.
General Articles contains articles written by Smith for various encyclopedias and dictionaries during the earlier part of his career
This series is divided into seven subseries:
Development of Sociology contains material relating to the development of sociology in the U.S., specifically the South; and the development of sociological studies of Latin America in the United States.
Research and Teaching deals mainly with scholarship in Latin America, teaching sociology, and student performance.
Social Theory encompasses general theoretical materials on sociology, lectures given by P.A. Sorokin, papers by Smith on Sorokin's and Carle Zimmerman's sociological principles, correspondence and materials from Smith's Social Problems, and Smith's paper on the importance of Spanish thinkers in sociology.
The more general material in Sociocultural Studies addresses such topics as the process and objectives of community development and planning, social systems, the sociology of conflict, sociology of change, and poverty. The U.S. section addresses issues social stratification, emergence of urban centers and social institutions, and studies on wives and widows in the U.S. The Latin American section deals with social trends, social change, colonization and settlement, social systems, industrialization, and social values including religion and marriage.
The last three subseries are Associations/Foundations/Institutions, Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence, all to the Sociology.
This series is divided into nine subseries:
Biographical Information contains Smith's paper "How I Became a Rural Sociologist" and newspapers clippings about Smith's work in rural sociology.
Development of Rural Sociology focuses on the development of rural sociology in the U.S. and specifically the South, and the development of rural sociology in Latin America.
Agricultural Development relates solely to Latin America, dealing with such subjects as the improvement of agricultural systems, impediments to modernization, and food production.
Community Studies contains general information and information specific to the U.S. and Latin America. The general materials cover topics including social psychology of rural life and the emerging community. U.S. related information addresses the role of the village and community, trends and changes in community organization, population, trade centers, social stratification with information specific to the South, Colorado, and Louisiana. The Latin American materials address organization and development of the rural community; and changes in the rural community.
General topics in Farming Systems include agricultural systems, land utilization, and standards of living. The U.S. specific material covers the line village, types of farm laborers, trends in farm labor, cattle farming in the midwest, cotton and plantation farming in the south, and farming trends in Louisiana. The Latin American material covers rural social systems, agricultural policy, and the development of family sized farms.
Almost all of the materials in Agrarian Reform relate to Latin America. The only U.S file is on Smith's paper, "Studies of the Great Rural Tap Roots of Urban Poverty in the U.S." The Latin American material covers features and fundamentals of agrarian reform and information from various courses, institutions and associations pertaining specifically to agrarian reform, such as the International Labor Conference and Primer Curso sobre Reforma Agraria.
As in the other series, the next three subseries are Associations/Institutions/Foundations, Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence, all relating to Rural Sociology.
This series contains eight subseries:
General Information includes critics' remarks on Smith's Latin American Population Studies; and rough drafts of chapters of Population.
Population Analysis has been further divided into general information, composition, class structure, and race and reproduction rates. General material covers population studies of Florida, Latin America, Central America, and various individual Latin American countries. The general series also includes materials on specific statistics and errors in statistics reporting in terms of population analysis and census information. The materials on composition are only related to U.S. studies. The topics cover village demography, age distribution, homogenization of society, and the composition of southern cities. Class structure also relate only to U.S. studies. The topics cover the class structure of farm society and the class structure of contemporary society. The materials on race and reproduction rate only relate to Latin America.
Population Growth includes information on church growth in specific U.S. cities and Latin American population growth.
Population Trends is divided into trends and migration. The U.S. material in trends includes various population projections for the U.S and Florida and population trends of Louisiana and the African American population. The Latin American material covers information on current and demographic trends and population policies in Latin America. The migration section covers characteristics of migrants and migration, migration in the U.S, and migration and problems associated with migration in Latin America.
Urbanization covers the emergence of urban centers in the South, urbanization in Latin America, problems of urbanization in Latin America, the study of Latin American cities, and the demographics of rural-urban migration.
Aging Studies is almost entirely related to the U.S. The section contains information on the distribution of the aging population, the increase in the aging population, the effects of the aging population, the migration of the aging population, studies on the aged U.S. and Negro population, and a study of age in Latin America.The last subseries are Research Papers by Colleagues, and Correspondence relevant to Population Studies.
Contains country specific information. The series is organized alphabetically into subseries, and includes Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Information varies from country to country, but generally includes Smith's own research and work, papers by colleagues, and correspondence. Almost all materials and information are related to sociology, rural sociology, and population studies.
The Brazil series is broken up into four subseries. Each of these subseries is organized in a similar manner to the respective topical series above.
General Information and Correspondence includes information on Smith in relation to Brazil and general correspondence relating to Brazil.
Sociology is further divided into the development of sociology, social theory, sociocultural studies, and research papers by colleagues. The first section covers the development of sociology in Brazil and the relationship between sociology and sociologists in Brazil and the U.S. The social theory section covers group structure and social change in Brazil. The sociocultrual studies section includes material on colonization and settlement, patterns of living, Amazon population studies, Italian-Brazilian population studies, and race contact in Brazil.
Rural Sociology
is further divided into community studies, farming systems, agrarian reform, associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence. The community studies section covers information on rural community development, community organizing, the Caipira community, the Dutch community, the role of the press in rural affairs. Farming systems contains information on land survey, tenancy, the relationship of the people to the land, the latifundia system, the relationship between the population and the food supply, and hog raising in Brazil. The agrarian reform section contains memorandums and lectures given by Smith about agrarian reform in Brazil. The next three sections are associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence all related to Rural Sociology.
Population Studies is further divided into population analysis, population growth, trends, and urbanization. Population analysis includes composition, class structure, and race. The composition material includes collections of statistics from Brazilian cities and states and a series of the "Pesquisas Demogr?ficas" numbers 10-15. The class structure material consists of one file of data on class structure. Trends covers immigration and migration. The immigration material covers general immigration and statistics and information pertaining to the Japanese population in Brazil. The migration material covers migration studies and migration patterns in Brazil. The population growth section contains information on population growth and economic growth related to the population. Materials include statistical information on birth, death and fertility rates as well as papers on the growth and redistribution of the population. The urbanization section contains demographic information on urbanization and a comparative study of urbanization in Brazil. The next three sections are associations/foundations/institutions, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence all related to Population Studies.
The Colombia series is organized into four subseries:
General Information includes a personal narrative on Colombia, correspondence pertaining to Colombia, and newspaper articles collected by Smith on Colombia.
Sociology is divided into the development of sociology, sociocultural studies, research papers by colleagues, and correspondence. The development of sociology section includes materials about the Colombian Sociology Association and the sociology department at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sociocultural studies deals with various community studies and colonization and settlement. The last section contains research papers by colleagues related to sociology in Colombia.
Rural sociology is divided into development of rural sociology, agricultural development, community studies, farming systems, agrarian reform, associations/foundations/institutions, and research papers by colleagues. General information includes a memorandum drafted by Smith, and materials from a class Smith taught in Colombia on rural sociology. The section on agricultural development contains numerous laws, accords, and decrees related to agriculture in Colombia as well as Smith's fieldnotes and papers on agricultural development and agricultural systems. Community studies contains information on individual communities, land tenure, property rights and land surveys. Farming systems contains information on the relationship between the population and the food supply, land tenure and soil erosion, agricultural systems, and agricultural extension. Agrarian reform contains Smith's study of agrarian reform in Colombia. The last two sections are associations/foundations/institutions and research papers by colleagues, both containing information pertaining to rural sociology in Colombia.
Population Studies is organized into population analysis and trends. Population analysis covers information on birth rate, sex ratio, racial composition, and population change. Trends includes information on immigration in Colombia.
Contains materials and information that Smith collected and bound himself. The materials in each folder have been left as they were in Smith's binders and whenever possible, folder titles retain Smith's original binder titles. The series has been reorganized into five subseries based on the content of the files.
Geographic materials relate to specific geographic areas. Individuals, Institutions and Companies contains correspondence and materials related to various institutions or companies that Smith was involved with. Conferences, Seminars, Professional Associations binders contain programs, agendas, and related materials, as well as correspondence and Smith typescripts. Reprints and Bulletins contains compilations of published articles written by T. Lynn Smith. Scrapbook contains news clippings, in Spanish, featuring T. Lynn Smith.
Consists of two folders containing newspapers, events publicity, maps (related to population studies, immigration, and migration), and two pennants, and a poster.
- 1974.
Language of Materials
From the Collection:
Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 25 boxes (24 cu. ft.), + 2 oversize folders
Repository Details
Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131