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Jewish New Mexico, 1984 - 2008

 File — Cabinet: 1, Drawer: 4

Scope and Contents

  1. Folder 58 Jewish New Mexico Prints. 1988-1992 (?). 5x7" and 8x10" b and w prints, most unsleeved. Evy Woods, Holocaust children, Jamie Farber, Rabbi Leonard Heldman, Jamie Farber Bar Mitzvah, Purim Santa Fe, Passover with Native Americans, White power-skin heads graffiti, Hanukah Festival, New Shtetl band, Aaron Strasser with photo of his father and brother who died in the holocaust. Olga and Maizel Anatoliy, first Passover for Russian Jews in Albuquerque, Cantor Josh Perlman. Temple Albert, Rosh Hashana services in Sandia mountains; rabbi Paul Citrin, Purim. Suzan Campbell, Henry Tobias. Trudy and Emilio Coca. Ted Egvy, Evelyn Rosenberg. Cop on duty at B'nai Israel.. Geoff Dennis. Keith Harvey and wife. Henry Roth. Jamie Farber and father Stiner. Adam Galinter dressed as Rabbi. Samantha and Tom Picraux blowing shofer. Geoff Dennis studying Hebrew at Temple Albert. Outdoor photos of New Shtetl Band. David Landau of Abq. makes Latkes at hanukah party. Stan Hordes visits with Milton Taichert. B'nai Israel synagogue, Abq. Spiegelberg Family Reunion, Santa Fe. Alice Hiat. Davielle Lakind dances with Rabbi Leonard Heldman. Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, baby blessing, and with Jack Trujillo.dates approximate; most not dated.
  2. Folder 59. Jewish New Mexico Contact Sheets. 1988-1996. 35mm b and w contact sheets, most dated and labeled. Audio tape "Taichert Funeral" New Mexico Jewish Historical Society 5th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NM, 1993, panel discussion, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Ted Egri, Eli Levin, Sharon Neiderman, Arthur Sussman, painter, Evelyn Rosenberg, artist, Eli Levin and Sharon Neiderman, Ted Egri, Evelyn Rosenberg and Eli Levin, Diana Breyer, artist and Esta Guiterrez, Joan Logghe and Mirian Sagan, Henry roth, author and Jim Mafchir, publisher, Red Crane Books, Joan Losghe, Judith Hall, Michael Sutin, Henry Roth, Judith Hall, Jim Matchir, New Mexico Jewish Historical Society , Taos, 1994. Las Vegas Cemetery; cemetery cleanup. Dorothy Shipman and Marvin Taichert. Mayor Tony Martinez of Las Vegas, Prof Michael Olsen, Stanley Hordes, Jim Mafchir, Henry Tobias, Walter Kahn, Robert Nordhaus, Rachel Wortman, Nelly Wells Hernandez, Jeanette Sparks, Walter Kahnig, Nelly Wells Hernandez. Aaron Wolf accompanied by Burton Krohn, Dorothy Shipman, Dennis Duran and Paul, Jeanette Sparks of Carlsbad, Walter Kahn. Beth Israel Rosh Hashana, B'nai Israel synagogue. Joe and diana Stein, Los Artesanos Books. Mildred Terr and Family. Milton Taichert; Las Vegas Jewish Stores. Spiegelberg family. Jamie Farber Bat Mitzvah. Seligman family reunion at Prarie Star in Bernallilo. David Seligman of Las Cruces; Milton Taichert Funeral. Women who took care of Milton Taichert. Fund raiser meeting for Russian Jews. Hanukah Party, New Shtetle Band. Jewish Federation of Greater Albuquerque dinner concert. Geoff Dannis at Temple Albert, a convert accepted to Rabbinical College in Cinncinati. Holocaust Children. Stan Hordes, B'nai Brith. Michele Zadiheim. Dennis Duran's Great Grandmother, Maudy Abbie Pearce. Succot at Asher, Santa Fe. Terr Family. Dates approximate, not all dated.
  3. Folder 60. Jewish New Mexico Negatives 1. 1988-1998. B and W 35mm negatives in sleeves and manilla envelopes. Nazi note to 6th grader, Taylor Ranch. B'nai Israel, making honey cupcakes-Succot. UJA fund raiser. Succoth, Susi Asher in Santa Fe. Russian Jews-Bloomstein Family arrives at airport. Fund raiser for Russian Jews. Passover for Russian Jews. Camp Shemesh. Seligman. Spiegelberg Family in Santa Fe. ADL, Ed Lujan, Gov. King, Cons. Schiff, Sec. Manuel Lujan. Praye Vigil, Civic Plaza, Middle-east Massacre, Gottlieb, Celnick, Citrin. Friendship Club (seniors), Lynn Gottlieb, son Nathaniel, 101 year old Sarah. Shalom House, 5th Birthday. Elie Weisel; swastika on campus. Seder at Susan Seligman and Richard, Norma and Roy Montoya-Santa Ana Pueblo. Pauline Eisenstadt and Neil. Russian model seder. B'nai Israel meeting o Iraq war. Model passover at Serendipity. Children of Holocaust, Evy Wood. Holocaust surviviors, B'nai Israel. Aaron Strasser, Larry Rhee, Fred Herz. NMJH Singer. Mill's baby naming. Holocaust Memorial Dedication, Chief Gerald Galvin (4x6" color prints.) Package of unlabeled and undated 4x6 color prints. 35mm sleeved color slides, from envelope that was labeled Jewish Slide Show. B and w 35mm slides from envelope labeled Copy Slides, People, Families, Symbols.
  4. Folder 61. Jewish New Mexico Negatives 2. 1988-1992. B and W 35mm negatives in sleeves and manilla envelopes. Temple Albert prays in mountains. Holocaust Memorial Meeting. Jewish Artist Show, S. Broadway Cultural Center, April 1995. Alice Hiat, Jewish Fabric Artist. LIA Lynn Rosen, Potter with students. Hanukah, 1990. Michel Zackhein. Geoff Dennis, convert studying to be a Rabbi, at Temple Albert. NMJHS annual meeting. ADL 3/17/90. NMJHS conference, Taos; Stan Hordes. Jewish Federation Concentration Camp. Ann Frank, Regina Turner. Israeli Independence. Hanukah Festival, Temple Albert, Albuquerque. Dreidel, Lynn Gottlieb Story telling, New Shtetl Band, AKI, Stewart Mennan. Jewish Family services, Judith Cass. Jewish Family Services, 2 portraits; Stuart Gottlieb, Weiner. Bnai Israel Building, Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Celnick, Cantor. Purim. Russian Jews-Denver with war medals, WWII. Nazi signs 1992, Sandia High School, Ditch off Indian School, Off Constitution east of San Mateo; 4th and Coal-Borales Gang; NFL (cartoonist); Joker with Nazi signs tatooed. Purim at Havarah. New Shetl (Shtetl) Band. 2 packages of unlabeled and undated 4x6 color prints. Holocaust conference (?).
  5. Folder 62. Jewish New Mexico Walk for Peace, 2002. Manilla envelope with 35mm negatives, Jewish Muslim Walk for Peace, 1/13/02; sold to Getty Images. Two packages 4x6 color prints, labeled Jewish Muslim A and B. Zip drive: Muslim/Jewish Interfaith Peace March, Raw scans and JPEGS.
  6. Folder 63. Photo Show-Hands of Spirit, South Broadway Cultural Center. 1995. Printed program: "Hands of Spirit-Five New Mexico Jewish Artists", April 8-28, 1995, South Broadway Cultural Center. Sleeved print of atrium. Sleeved, mounted 35mm color slides of installation. Related materials in History Library.
  7. Folder 64. Nahalat Shalom Congregation Prints. 1988-1997. Unsleeved 5x7 and 8x10 b and w prints. Leo Neufeld, Enid Howath, Marty Kantrowitz, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Congregaton Nahalat Shalom telling stories during children's service-Rosh Hashanah, Albuquerque, NM. Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, Rabbi Isaac Celniki, Rabbi Paul Citrin, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Speakin out for Peace. Hanukah Party. Mebers of Congregaton Nahalt Shalom throw old bread into Rio Grande for Rosh Hashana, Albuquerque, Sept. 12, 1988. Baby Naming. Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb blowing shofer. Rabbi Gottlieb of Nahalat Shalom at Hanukah Festival, Held in community room of Temple Albert. Rabbi Gottlieb and Jack Trujillo. Trujillo can trace Jewish customs and ancestry in his family. Most prints not labeled.
  8. Folder 65. Nahalat Shalom Negatives 1. 1988-1997. Sleeved 35mm negatives in manilla envelopes. Hanukah, Sam and Zak Howath, Harvey Buckhalter, Leo Newfeld painting, Jerry Small, June Marx, baby Ilene Weiss. Gay Marriages, NM State Capital, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. Nahalat Hanukah Festival, Service, Lynn Gottlieb, Leo Newfeld with art, Alexandra Levin. Hanukah at Bnai Israel, shtetl band, dnacing, candle lighting, Rabbi Gottlieb. Hanukah at Al and Alice Hiat, Nahalat Shalom, Candles, Farelitos. Rivka Stern, David Brody, Lynn Gottlieb. Stephanie Cohen's Bat Mitzvah, 2/23/91. Most prints not labeled.
  9. Folder 66. Nahalat Shalom Negatives 2. 1988-2000. Sleeved 35mm negatives in manilla envelopes. Rosh Hashana, Nahalat Shalom, Deobrah Brinn, Hershel in Tallit, Lynn and Nathaniel with shofars. Tachlitt, Rosh Hashana, Nahalat Shalom; shofar blowing, Tom Picraux and Daryl. High Holy Days, Nahalt Sholom, Ken Wells. Yom Kippur, Nahalat Shalom. Rosh Hashana 190, Nahalat, Temple Albert at Mt.; rabbi Paul Citrin. Nahlat Shalom new building, fixing up, 2000. Hannah Zecglaub and Michael wedding, Rabbi Lynn. Jewish New Year, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, 1988. Hanukah Party 12/26/89: New Shetl (Shtetl) band, Neal Alexander, singer, Yiddish Society. Sleeved 35mm negatives in manilla envelopes. Rosh Hashana, Nahalat Shalom, Deobrah Brinn, Hershel in Tallit, Lynn and Nathaniel with shofars. Tachlitt, Rosh Hashana, Nahalat Shalom; shofar blowing, Tom Picraux and Daryl. High Holy Days, Nahalt Sholom, Ken Wells. Yom Kippur, Nahalat Shalom. Rosh Hashana 190, Nahalat, Temple Albert at Mt.; rabbi Paul Citrin. Nahlat Shalom new building, fixing up, 2000. Hannah Zecglaub and Michael wedding, Rabbi Lynn. Jewish New Year, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, 1988. Hanukah Party 12/26/89: New Shetl (Shtetl) band, Neal Alexander, singer, Yiddish Society.
  10. Folder 67. Nahalat Shalom Color Photos and Negatives 1988-2000. 4x6" color prints and 35mm color negatives, mostly in original commercial packages. Many unlabeled. Nahalat Shalom, Rosh Hashana, Friday night candle lighting, Childrens service, looking at torah, 10/28/2000. Open House. Rosh Hashana 1st service, Kids. Most envelopes not labeled.
  11. Folder 68. Nahalat Shalom. 2000. Proof sheet of Nahalat Shalom construction, 2000. 35 mm duplicate slides form b and w prints. Sleeved 35mm color slides, mounted, in sleeves. Nahalat Shalom's torahs. Rosh Hashana, 2000. Many sleeves not labeled. Most envelopes not labeled.
  12. Folder 69. Nahalat Shalom, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, 1988-1997. Contact sheets of 36mm negatives. Hanukah at Temple Albert, Albuquerque. New Shetl (Shtetl) Band; Daniel Lakind buys ome hanukah items at festival, dredel playing, rabbi Lynn Gottlieb telling stories. Rosh Hashana, 1989. Temple Albert, 2nd day of Rosh Hashana in Sandias. Rosh Hashana, Nahalat Shalom. Yom Kipper, 1993. Many contact sheets unlabeled. Many contact sheets not labeled.
  13. Folder 70. Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. 1988-1995. Sleeved 35mm negatives:Tony and Rabbi Lynn; From Croatia, 1/29/94. Sleeved and unsleeved, unlabeled 8x11 prints of Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. Contact sheets of 35mm negatives. Hanukah party, Nahalat Shalom, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, David Landau of Albuquerque makes Latkes, Rob Etigston of Albuquerque makes Latkes, Farilitos with Jewish Stars. Hanukah Party at Al and Alice Hiat's, Rob Etigson makes latkes, David Landau makes Latkes, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Farilitos with jewish stars. Adolp Katzburg, Dahlia Robinson and Adam Galanter of Bnai Israel kindergarten, Jane Hertz, Jewish Social Services, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. Sarah Sorensen, age 101, with Rabbi Gottlieb and her son, Nathaniel Johnson Gottlieb. Jack Trujillo and Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. Rabbi Gottlieb with Julia Rotenberg, Sophie Greenfield, age 91, Mae Alpert, age 91, Congressman Steve Schiff, Jan Hertz. Julia Rotenberg and grandmother Anna Wolfson (Russian), Anna Wolfson at Shalom House, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Ester Sokal, dancing to music, Ester Sokal dancing to music, Ester Sokal and Julia Rotenberg dancing, Lorraine and Yale Weinsteing at Shalom House. Jack Trujillo. Stephanie Cohen's Bat Mitzvah. 35mm color slides, mounted and sleeved. Rabbi Gottlieb, 1992. Lynn Gottlieb and Tony. Rabbi Lynn-Rosh Kodesh. Many contact sheets not labeled.
  14. Folder 71. Native Americans and Jews, Passover Seder. Not dated. Sleeved 5x7 b and w prints, unlabeled, of Native Americans as guests at a Seder.
  15. Folder 72. Jewish Photographers of NM, Temple Beth Shalom. 1995-1996. Ring bound calendar book, Temple Beth Shalom, 1995-1996. Jewish Photographers of New Mexico. Published by Temple Beth Shalom, Santa Fe, 1995. Introduction by Aryeh Swisa. Brief bio sketches of included photographers. Photographs by Gay Block, Cathy Maier Callanan, Lisa Falk, Judy Herzl, Cary Herz, Judy Moor-Kraichnan, Al Melnik, Harold Melnick, Jay Ritter, Meridel Rubenstein, Janet Russek, David Scheinbaum.
  16. Folder 73. Holocaust Project, 1993,35mm color slides, black and white contact sheets, color prints, 5x7 prints. Elie Weisel, Michel Zacheim, Judy Chicago Related documents in Chavez History Library.
  17. Folder 74. Catholic/Jewish Dialogue, 1994-1995. Manilla envelope with sleeved 35mm negatives. Catholic Jewish Dialogue, Archbishop Sheehan, Rabbi Issac Celnik, Susan Selyman Heller, Logghe Carrara, Rose Baca, 3/8/1994. Unsleeved 5x7 b and w prints, apparently from above negatives. Many unlabeled. Rabbi Leon Klenicki, Susan Seligman, ADL, Rev. John Pawlikoska, OSM, Rabbi Leon Klenicki speaking at the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue of New Mexico. Rabbi Leon Klenicki pictured with another unnamed Rabbi and archbishop Michael Sheehan. Rabbi Leon Klenicki, Rabbi Isaac Celnik, and Archbishop Sheehan. Proof sheets of 35mm negatives, apparently of above negatives. Several pamphlets: Prayer Service, Jewish/Christian Dialogue, March 5, 1995. Program of conference. News article about conference. Program folder containing many pamphlets. Conference sponsors: The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, the New Mexico Conference of Churches, and the Anti-defamation league. Pamphlet by Rabbi Leon Klenicki, "Jacques Maritain and the Jews". Pamphlet published by Anti Defamation League, "In Dialogue, Essays on Current Issues of the Interreligious Relationship; On Christianity". "Root and Branches: Biblical Judaism, Rabbinic Judaism, and Early Christianity" by Leon Klenicki and Eugene J. Fisher,Saint Mary's Press, Winona, MN, 1987. "Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Europe" by Francis R. Nicosia and Rabbi Leon Klenicki, Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT, 1994.
  18. Folder 75. Vivienne Hermann, 1992-1995. Manilla envelopes with negatives; 5x7" and 8x10 sleeved black and white prints; proof sheets; color slides. Vivienne Hermann, sculptor. Photos of her and her work, including Children of the Holocaust. Holocaust film "Is there Poetry after Auschwitz," Dale Sonnenberg, Producer. Hermann's last days in hospital.
  19. Folder 76. Gangs, Nazis, Swastikas. 1992-1993. 5x7" and 8x10 sleeved black and white prints; contact sheets; color slides. White power graffiti, swastikas, skin heads, Baralas gang, defacement of posters for Eli Wiesel lecture in Albuquerque, February 28, 1993.
  20. Folder 77 Temple Albert Rosh Hashana, 1990. 35mm color slides in sleeves. Congregation in out-door ceremony, rabbi with torahs.
  21. Folder 78. New Shetl (Shtetl) band. 1990(?). 35mm color slides in sleeves. Band with instruments, photographed on desert road with mountains in background. Stuart Menin. Date approximate; no dates on material.


  • 1984 - 2008

Access Restrictions

Collection is open to researchers on a request basis only, pending approval of request to view original material.


From the Collection: 52 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Repository Details

Part of the NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives Repository

113 Lincoln Ave.
Santa Fe NM 87501 USA