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Margolis & Moss: New Mexico Views

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1983.24-MNM.1983.046-MNM.GA.2862-H

Content Description

(26) photographs of various sizes of NM views, Western views, inclusing: Fiesta float in historical parade, Santa Fe, unidentified cabin, unidentified landscapes, unidentified landscapes; churches; (1) 2 1/2x2 1/2 salt print (copy of Physionotrace) portrait of Van Staphorst 1796, copy 1850; (1) 7 1/2x10 etching of King Ferdinand, Spain

Acquisition Type



Margolis & Moss

Restrictions Apply



  • Creation: 1850
  • Creation: 1906
  • Creation: 1952
  • Creation: 1948



28 photographs


107788 Fiesta Float, Historical parade, Santa Fe, NM; 107789 San Xavier del Bac Mission, Arizona; 107790 El Paso, Texas (?); 107791 El Paso, Texas (?); 107792 Black Mesa, New Mexico; 107793 “Salt Lake”; 107794 unidentified cabin, New Mexico; 107795 unidentified cabin, New Mexico; 107796 unidentified cabin, New Mexico; 107797 Pacific Ocean (?) shore; 107798 Apache Inn, Valley Ranch, Pecos, NM; 107799 unidentified residence; 107800 unidentified bell tower; 107801 unidentified landscape, New Mexico (?); 107802 (3) car buried in snow; 107803 Central from Ag. Hall; 107804 unidentified woman standing on shore, Pacific Ocean (?); 107805 Ward’s Cafe; 107806 (2) unidentified landscape, New Mexico (?); 107807 unidentified landscape, New Mexico (?); 107808 unidentified landscape, New Mexico (?); 107809 unidentified landscape, New Mexico (?); 107810 portrait of unidentified couple; 107811 Sena Circle, Santa Fe, NM 1948 by Henry Dendahl; 107812 Church of the Holy Faith (Episcopal) Santa Fe, NM 1952 by Henry Dendahl; 107813 salt print (copy of Physionotrace) portrait of Van Staphorst 1796, copy 1850; 107814 etching - King Ferdinand VII Spain; 010390 copy print - Capitol building, Santa Fe, NM ca. 1906