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Dwight Pitcaithley: 2 Residences in Carlsbad

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1975.42-MNM.GA.1508-Hp

Content Description

2 slides taken by Dwight Pitcaithley of two historic residences in Carlsbad, New Mexico in 1975. A letter from the donor/photographer states that both homes are "located next to each other in the La Huerta section of town, north of the Pecos River." The first is the Tracy residence, possibly the home of Francis G. Tracy; the second is the Tansill House, probably built by Robert Weems Tansill, who, like Tracy, was a promoter of Carlsbad in the 1890s.

Acquisition Type



Dwight Pitcaithley

Restrictions Apply



  • Creation: 1975


2 items