Earl Moore: 15 Southwestern views
Content Description
15 original photos of Colorado and Utah views, including several by Alex Martin and at least one by William H. Jackson.
Acquisition Type
Earl Moore
Restrictions Apply
15 items
066430 to 066444; itemized list in accession file. 066432 (#84) Manitou Springs by Thos. Hine; 066430 (#85) Georgetown Loop by Alex Martin; 066431 (#86) U.S. Signal Station, Pike’s Peak; 066433 (#104) Georgetown, Colorado; 066434 (#98) Georgetown, Colorado by Alex Martin; 066436 (#90) Town view, Colorado; 066435 (#100) Manitou, Colorado; 066443 Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City; 066444 photo of drawing, Temple, Salt Lake City; 066440 Hanging Rock, Colorado by A. Martin; 066439 Ruins of Montezuma Temple, Garden of the Gods; 066437 Clear Creek by A. Martin; 066438 Rainbow Falls, Ute Pass by Hook; 066441 The Royal Gorge by W.H. Jackson; 066442 Dolly Varden mine near Georgetown