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Victor Koshkin-Youritzin photographs and book

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.2002.27-NMHM.2002.37

Content Description

3 photographs of various sizes and 1 publication (exhibition catalog) by Victor Koshkin-Youritzin. 1 8 x 11 color photograph, Helene de Beauvoir, France, 1994; 1 4 x 6 color photograph, Harold Stevenson in Wainscott, New York house, 2000; 1 4 x 6 color photograph, Charles Henri Ford, New York, 2000; 1 exhibition catalog, Victor Koshkin-Youritzin for Fred Jones, Jr., Tchelitchew, Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 2002, University of Oklahoma

Acquisition Type



Victor Koshkin-Youritzin

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Access to material may be granted upon request, pending assessment of retrievability and potential restrictions. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.

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Use of images may be restricted.


  • Creation: 1994
  • Creation: 2000
  • Creation: 2002


3 Photographic Prints

1 Books


 188735 to 188737; Itemized list in accession file.; Helene de Beauvoir, France, 1994 (188735); Harold Stevenson in Wainscott, New York house, 2000 (188736); Charles Henri Ford, New York, 2000 (188737)