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Richard Rudisill, Photographs and postcards of the world

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1998.28-MNM.1998.387.169

Content Description

2 books and 167 photographs of various sizes and types, including Woodburytypes, cartes-de-visite, cabinet cards, real photo postcards, stereoviews, collotypes, bromides, and albumen prints. Subjects include people (notable for celebrity, royalty, academic and religious backgrounds, as well as unidentified) and scenes from around the world, including Algeria, Austria, Belgian Congo, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Libya, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey (Constantinople), and the U.S.A.. The 2 publications are Praha 1848-1914: Cteni nad Dobovymi Fotografiemi by Pavel Scheufler and Les metamorphoses de Paris by Yvan Christ.

Acquisition Type



Richard Rudisill

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Access Restrictions

Access to material may be granted upon request, pending assessment of retrievability and potential restrictions. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.

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Use of images may be restricted.


2 Books

167 Photographic Prints


173281 to 173449; Itemized list in accession file.