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John Candelario Collection, film, audio, and other materials

Identifier: HP.1997.39-MNM.1997.570.392

Content Description

Candelario material for PAC 60, includes motion picture films, audio tapes, scripts, books, journals, and memo pads, records, and cassette tapes. Materials include films of Indian Artists of the Southwest, Under Pressure, Adobe City, 1st day and 1st race at Santa Fe Downs, Tesuque Indian Dance, San Ildefonso Dear and War Dances, Holiday park Homes, "Cindy," "Tolson," Frieda Lawrence reading D.H. Lawrence poems, John Dunn, "Master Tape" with guitar, Tony Lujan, Conversation with John Candelario, Don Ricardo performing Indian and Spanish Songs, Mariachi and Indian songs, Navajo Yebechi songs, Spanish songs, interview with I. Paris re Gould, Presbyterian hand bell choir, and various other music subjects. Scripts and story materials relating to writing endeavors including Sanchez Ranch, New Mexico Magazine, November 1975, Georgia O'Keeffe article, Thursday the 13th, One Exciting Afternoon, Noel and St. Francis, Treason at the Top, U.F.O: The Mystery of the Sandia Affair, Zozobra: Old Man Gloom, South Raiders West, Potemkin-X, Rosendo, A Chili Pot for Pepe, Seven Straight Stretches, Hot Rod, Strange Fingers, The Hostages, Assignment 16, Elvis Presley, Jr., La Casa San Isidro, New Mexico Magazine, Winter 1971, History of Southwest Indian Jewelry, N.A.C.E. Catalog, The Quest, Trilogy on New Mexico Riot, Yazzie and Keetsobah - story, and Yazzie and Keetsobah - movie script.

Acquisition Type



Lores Klingbeil

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Access to material may be granted upon request, pending assessment of retrievability and potential restrictions. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.

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Unnumbered itemized list in accession file.