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Views of the Southwest, Mexico, and engravings of notable people

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1995.38-MNM.1995.842

Content Description

71 items: 1 book (Generals in Gray by Ezra J. Warner), 63 photographs of various sizes of the Southwest and Mexico, 6 8 1/4 x 11 engravings of notable people based on Alonzo Chappell portraits, and 1 stereoview of the Plaza, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Subjects of photographs include Mines in Mexico, Cuernavca, Oaxaca, Vichachi, Zavaleta, Ejutla, convent in Cuilapam, Popocatepetl, Chapultepe, Juarez Fiesta in the Llano, churches in Mexico, Laguna Pueblo, scenes in California, Shoshone and Tetons of Wyoming, and scenes in Los Angeles. Engraving subjects are U.S. President William H. Harrison, U.S. President Andrew Jackson, U.S. Senator Henry Clay, Poet and translator Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, U.S. President John Tyler, U.S. President Franklin Pierce.

Acquisition Type



Margolis & Moss

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1 Books

70 Photographic Prints


book - Generals In Gray by Ezra J. Warner, Baton Rouge 1959, Louisiana State University Press; 066016 stereoview (#54) The Plaza, Santa Fe, N.M. by George C. Bennett, pub. by Wm. H. Brown; 161244 engraving, Wm. H. Harrison, U.S. President from painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161245 engraving, Andrew Jackson, U.S. president from Daguerreotype and painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161246 engraving, Henry Clay, U.S. Senator from painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161247 engraving, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet, translator, from painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161248 engraving, John Tyler, U.S. President from painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161249 engraving, Franklin Pierce, U.S. President from painting by Alonzo Chappel; 161250 (#3) birds-eye view from top of mountain over Escuadra showing San Juan Mine, Casa Blanca, and village of Taviche and Poder de Dios Mine, and the Fresno-Velvoir, Mexico; 161251 (#126) Magdalena, Mina La Cumbre of Oaxaca Exploration Co., construction work of Patix and erection of boiler and compression house, Mexico July 1906; 161252 (#282) Cuernavaca, Mexico; 161253 (#285) Patio in Morelos Hotel, Cuernavaca, Mexico; 161254 (#283) view from Morelos Hotel, Cuernavaca, Mexico; 161255 (#280) Aztec Lizard zoomorph, Cuernavaca, Mexico; 161256 (#128) La Soledad from Calle Independencia, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161257 (#108) Oaxaca Cathedral through Alameda, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161258 Juarez Day procession up hill, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161259 (#143) view of Santo Domingo dome, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161260 (#144) view from rooftop, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161261 (#42) Vichachi house, May 1906, Vichachi, Mexico; 161262 balanced hoist, Vichachi, Mexico; 161263 (#44) station at 200 ft. level, Vichachi, Mexico; 161264 (#47) old pozo in the Rickards works, Vichachi Mine, Mexico; 161265 (#37) Rickards Tunnel, Vichachi Mine, Mexico; 161266 (#305) stops in #3, Vichachi, Mexico; 161267 (#304) El Capitan Peak and Conejo Blanco Mines, view from trail near Vichachi, Mexico; 161268 Battle of Flowers, Juarez Fiesta in the Llano, Oaxaca, Mexico; 161269 (#109) The Garden, Zavaleta, Mexico; 161270? (#51) interior of the Church at Ejutla, Mexico; 161271 (#119) scaffolding during reconstruction of old convent church, Cuilapam, Mexico; 161272 (#295) Popocatepetl, Mexico; 161273 (#264) Lake at Chapultepec, Mexico City, Mexico; 161274 (#270) Chapultepec Palace and Park, Mexico City, Mexico; 161275 Battle of the Flowers, Juarez Fiesta in the Llane, Oaxaca; 161276 unidentified church interior, Mexico; 161277 unidentified courtyard, Mexico; 161278 two women and burro in front of Bazaar Mexicano, Mexico; 161279 unidentified town, Mexico; 161280 boat on unidentified lake, Mexico; 161281 unidentified scene next to bridge, Mexico; 161282 unidentified scene, Mexico; 161283 (2) Laguna Pueblo; 161284 Laguna Pueblo; 161285 Laguna Pubelo; 161286 Laguna Pueblo; 161287 Laguna Pueblo; 161288 Mission, Laguna Pubelo; 161289 (2) Mission, Laguna Pueblo; 161290 group by railroad, Laguna Pueblo; Out West Collection 161291 unidentified residence, California by Putnam & Valentine; 161292 unidentified group; 161293 The House of Lelia and Jimmie, California Natives (?); 161294 supervisor Thomas in the brush by C.J. Crandall & Co.; 161295 A pretty banking of mountain ferns by Helen Lukens Jones; 161296 morain and crevass, California; 161297 St. James Park, San Jose, California by Andrew P. HIll; 161298 (#52) Pomona, California from San Jose Hills; 161299 (#640) On the Saddle of Williamson, California; 161300 (#838) under the branches of a wide-spreading oak he built his home, by Theodore P. Lukens; 161301 Shoshone Lake and the Tetons, Wyoming; 161302 A elightfully [sic] cozy corner, rustic bridge over uncememted pond, by Helen Lukens Jones; 161303 (#74) Lotus growing on water, by Helen Lukens Jones; 161304 snow sliding, California (?); 161305 Where ghosts hold high carnival in Santa Cruz Mts., California by Theodore P. Lukens; 161306 The Colony House, Astor (?); 161307 The Ranger at Home; 161308 Redwood, stunted and distorted by the wind; 161309 Scene in the Park, Los Angeles, California; 161310 Cactus, Los Angeles, California