Steel engravings of painter Alonzo Chappel portraits and others
Content Description
1 5 x 7 photograph of Alice Oliver Henderson, Sunmount Sanatorium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1916 and 5 8 x 11 steel engravings depicting portraits of Thomas H. Benton, ca. 1862 (after painting by Alonzo Chappel), General Winfield Scott, ca. 1862 (after painting by Alonzo Chappel after photograph), James Knox Polk, ca. 1862 (after painting by Alonzo Chappel), John C. Calhoun, and William Cullen Bryant, ca. 1862 (after painting by Alonzo Chappel after photograph).portraits
Acquisition Type
Margolis & Moss
Restrictions Apply
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Access to material may be granted upon request, pending assessment of retrievability and potential restrictions. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.
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- Creation: ca. 1862 - 1916
6 Photographic Prints
048368, 161099 to 161103; Itemized list in accession file.; Alice Oliver Henderson, Sunmount Sanatorium, Santa Fe, New Mexico (048368); Thomas H. Benton (161099); General Winfield Scott (161100); James Knox Polk (161101); John C. Calhoun (161102); William Cullen Bryant (161103)