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Steel Engravings of Notable Persons

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1995.19-MNM.1995.582.45

Content Description

45 7 x 10 1/4 steel engravings of noted persons, primarily American individuals of the 18th and 19th centuries, including politicians, clergy, authors, abolitionists, military figures, and presidents.

Acquisition Type



Ann Dietz

Restrictions Apply


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Access to material may be granted upon request, pending assessment of retrievability and potential restrictions. Contact the Photo Archivist to request to view original material.

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Use of images may be restricted.


45 Photographic Prints


160866 to 160910; Itemized list in accession file.; John Quincy Adams (160866); Col. Edward D. Baker (160867); Geo. W. Bethune (160868); Bienville, Sieur de Jean Baptiste Lemoyne, Gov. of Louisiana (160869); Hon. Frank P. Blair (160870); William Cullen Bryant (160871); James Buchanan (160872); Rufus Choate (160873); George W. Childs (160874); Hon. Roscoe Conkling (160875); Edward Everett (160876); D. E. Farragut, Adm. USN (160877); Benjamin Franklin (160878); U. S. Grant (160879); Horace Greeley (160880); Fetcher Harper (160881); S. Christian Hastings (160882); Rutherford B. Hayes (160883); Maj. Gen. J. Hooker (160884); Samuel Huntington, Gov. of Connecticut, Pres. of Continental Congress (160885); Joseph Jefferson, actor (160886); Thomas Starr King, Unitarian clergyman (160887); Gen. Robert E. Lee (160888); A. N. Littlejohn (160889); Henry W. Longfellow (160890); John Cardinal McCloskey (160891); Rt. Rev. Bishop Charles P. McIlvaine (160892); Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade (160893); Samuel F. B. Morse (160894); George Peabody (160895) Wendell Phillips (160896); Hon. Edward S. Pierrepont (160897); Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott (160898); William H. Seward (160899); Horatio Seymour (160900); Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan (160901); Gen. William T. Sherman (160902); Edwin M. Stanton (160903); Charles Sumner (160904); Bayard Taylor, [James] (160905); Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas (160906); Daniel Webster (160907); Hon. Henry Wilson (160908); Rev. George D. Cummins (160909); unidentified man (160910)