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1 book, 1 stereoview and 4 photographs

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: HP.1988.26-MNM.PA.1988.207-MNM.PA.1053

Content Description

1 book, Principles of Pictorial Photography by John W. Gillies, 1923; 1 stereoview of a group of New Mexico cowboys ca. 1890 by J.F. Jarvis; and 4 assorted photographs including Apache Indians by Frasher, the USS Cimarron, a motion picture still from "Forde," and a motion picture still from "The Girl and the Sky Pilot."

Acquisition Type



Books Unlimited

Restrictions Apply



1 book

5 Photographic Prints


142416 - stereo - Group of Cowboys, New Mexico 1890 by J. F. Jarvis; 142417 - 2 1/2 x 4 l/4 photo - Apache Indians by Frasher; 142418 - 5 x 8 photo - U.S. S. Cimarron; 142419 - 8 x 10 photo - (#45) "Forde" motion picture still; 142420 8 x 10 photo - (Pic 28 #4) "Retribution of Susan" "The Girl and the Sky Pilot'' motion picture still.