Andrew Smith Gallery: sites in Southern New Mexico and Mexico
Content Description
7 photographs of New Mexico and Mexico. Images in NM include: the flood in HIllsboro, NM, and a celebration of Mexican Independence Day in Silver City, NM by O.C. Hinman & Son.. Photographs relevant to Mexico include: the Plantas Salvajes en Tula and the Road to the Calvery of Ayotla by A. Briquet. Additional items include: La Catedral, Las Volcanes, and Teotihuacan-Pirmide were photographed by Hugo Brehme.
Acquisition Type
Andrew Smith Gallery, Inc.
Restrictions Apply
- Brehme, Hugo (Photographer, Person)
7 Photographic Prints
136498 flood, Hillsboro, New Mexico; 136499 crowd celebrating Independence of Mexico Silver City, N.M. by O.C. Hinman & Son; 136500 (#15) Plantas Salvajes en Tula, Mexico by A. Briquet; 136501 (#36) Road to the Calvery of Ayotla, Mexico by A. Briquet; 136502 "La Catedral" Mexico City, Mexico by Hugo Brehme; 136503 "Los Volcanes", Mexico by Hugo Brehme; 136504 Teotihuacan-Pirmide, Mexico by Hugo Brehme
- Brehme, Hugo (Photographer, Person)
- Briquet, Abel (Photographer, Person)