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W. Russell Young, III and J.W Black: Santa Fe and Pueblo communities

Identifier: HP.1986.21-MNM.1986.152.24

Content Description

1 cdv of two Pueblo indigenous women with pottery atop their heads, as photographed by J.W. Black Twelve 35 mm negatives, eight additional negatives, and three color stereoviews of the Santa Fe area ca. January-March 1986 by W. R. Young, III Includes 1 color stereoview of the First Interstate Building excavation in 1982.

Acquisition Type



W. Russell Young, III

Restrictions Apply



  • Majority of material found within Dates are related to W. Russell Young, III's photography.


1 cds (Shows two Pueblo indigenous women with pottery, as photographed by J.W. Black )

23 items (Includes Twelve 35mm negatives, 8 additional negatives, and 3 color stereoviews.) ; 1 3/4" x 4" to 2 1/2" x 3 1/2"


128177 (1) CdV two Pueblo women with pottery atop their heads, by J.W. Black; 128157-128164 (8) 2 1/2x3 1/2 negatives of Santa Fe views, N.M., March 1986 by W.R. Young III; 128165-128176 (12) 35mm negatives, views of Santa Fe, N.M., February 1986, by W.R. Young III; 128177-128178 (2) 1 3/4x4 color stereoviews, views of Santa Fe, N.M., January 23, 1986, by W.R. Young III; 128184, 1 3/4x4 color stereoview, First Interstate Bldg. excavation, Santa, Fe, N.M., July 1982 by W.R. Young III