Content Description
Professional work and papers of artist Virginia Maria Romero, ca. 1980-2018. Most of collection is contained in 15GB of data in digital format, including image and text files. Bulk of file types include jpg, tif, pdf, gif, bmp, png, ppt, and doc. A complete inventory of folders and files is available in the digital collection. Physical papers include correspondence, a notebook, book projects, promotional materials, clippings and news articles about Romero and her art, and project proposals. In all, the collection documents the life, business and creative activity of a working artist from southern New Mexico. Virginia Maria Romero's work is primarily New Mexico and Southwestern art, religious iconography, Native-American influenced imagery, and animals. She uses traditional materials and methods to create paintings and mixed-media work.
- Creation: 2014 - 2015
Conditions Governing Access
This material may be examined by researchers under supervised conditions in the Caroline E. Stras Reading Room, Branson Library, New Mexico State University.
9 Files
22.5 Megabytes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
.jpg, .pdf, .docx
Repository Details
Part of the New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections Repository