Folder 71
Contains 1 Result:
Instructions involving the authority of the Real Audiencia over the Comandantes Generales of the Provincias Internas, including the Governor of New Mexico, 1794. From Fondo de Derecho con que los trabajo el Real Audiencia, compiled in 1800, volume II., 1800
File — Folder: 71
Scope and Content
From the Collection:
Collection consists of a broad range of historical documents concerning New Mexico history. Series I consists of three documents involving Father Antonio Jose Martinez of Taos, New Mexico: the 1827 will of his father Antonio Severino Martinez; a brief autobiography of Antonio Jose Martinez published in 1838; and an 1859 proclamation by Antonio Jose Martinez documenting conflicts between himself and Archbishop Jean Baptiste Lamy. Series II consists of papers of the Gonzales family of Taos,...