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Robert W Denny Collection of Rough Rider Memorabilia

Identifier: AC-061

Scope and Content

Collection consists of the Rough Rider memorabilia collected by Robert W. Denny, as a former Rough Rider and Secretary- Treasurer of Roosevelt's Rough Rider Association, 1898-1955. Included are: a copy and explanations of a card index listing the names of the men who served as Rough Riders (the orginal card index is at Roosevelt's memorial home in New York City); photocopies of four photographs, 1898-1912; two copies of a publication on Rough Riders produced by Roosevelt's Rough Rider Association, with Denny's notations and related clippings, 1898- 1912; a publication consisting of a memorial to Lieutenant-Colonel Charles W. Whittlesey, commander of the "Lost Battalion", and the Lost Battalion works of "Buck Private" (L.C. McCollum), 1919; a thank you letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1955; and correspondence pertaining to Denny's collection.


  • 1898-1955
  • 1898-1955
  • Majority of material found in 1898-1912

Language of Materials


Access Restrictions


Copy Restrictions

Duplication allowed for research purposes. User responsible for all copyright compliance.

Biographical Note

Robert W. Denny, once a resident of Raton, New Mexico, was a Rough Rider during the Spanish-American War.


1 Linear foot


Contact Information

  1. Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
  2. The Palace of the Governors
  3. P.O. Box 2087
  4. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2087, U.S.A.
  5. Phone: (+)505.476.5090
  6. Fax: (+)505.476.5093
  7. Email:
  8. URL:


Guide to the Robert W. Denny Collection of Rough Rider Memorabilia, 1898-1955
Edited Full Draft
Processed by Library Staff
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Revision Statements

  • June 28, 2004: PUBLIC "-//Museum of New Mexico::Fray Angelico Chavez History Library//TEXT (US::NmSM::AC 061::Robert W. Denny Collection)//EN" "nmsm1ac061.sgml" converted from EAD 1.0 to 2002 by v1to02.xsl (sy2003-10-15).
  • Monday, 20210524: Attribute normal is missing or blank.

Repository Details

Part of the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library Repository

Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
New Mexico History Museum
113 Lincoln Ave
Sante Fe NM 87501 USA
(505) 476-5090