Thomas B. Catron Papers
Identifier: AC-037
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the professional papers of the Catron and Catron law firm, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the personal papers of the Catron family, 1883- 1917. The professional papers of the Catron and Catron firm include delinquent tax statements, debt collection papers, business correspondence, Reed Holloman correspondence, court cases, land grant materials, legal materials and office supplies correspondence and pension documents. Correspondence between Thomas B. Catron and the firm was handled by William A. Bayer, Catron's secretary, and is included. Court cases consist of copies of three proceedings pertaining to theft, promissory notes, and deeds, 1899-1909. Albert B. Fall was the trial lawyer in the 1899 court case. Books include: a calendar of court cases, 1883- 1893; a daybook of offices, minutes, committees, and resolutions for the Republican Central Committee, 1914, 1918; and a book of invoices, 1916. Land grant materials include documentation pertaining to various New Mexico land grants. Documentation on the Mora land grant is especially rich and contains litigation involving the Tularosa Community Ditch Corporation and the Tularosa Land and Cattle Company, 1913-1916. Also included is a map of the Nutrias Tract in the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant, 1913. Legal materials include documentation on: the New Mexico-Texas border, 1912 and 1916; Cliff Cities National Park on the Pajarito Plateau (which became Bandelier National Monument); Cochiti land claims; and Dr. David Knapp's role in the Zuni small pox epidemic, 1889-1902; and pensions. Catron family papers include, family correspondence, family bills, and miscellaneous political materials. Catron and Catron was a prominent law firm in Santa Fe, New Mexico, established by Thomas B. Catron in the latter part of the nineteeth century. Charles C. Catron took over the leadership of the firm when his father, Thomas B. Catron, became a United State Senator. Two of Thomas B. Catron's relatives joined the firm: Frank Lavan (nephew) in 1912; and Fletcher A. Catron (youngest son) in 1914. Reed Hollman, a lawyer from Tucumacari, New Mexico, also joined the firm in 1914.
- 1883-1930
Language of Materials
Access Restrictions
Copy Restrictions
Duplication allowed for research purposes. User responsible for all copyright compliance.
Personal History
Thomas B. Catron was born in 1840 and died in 1921. He was the head of the Catron law firm in Santa Fe, NM before he became U.S. Senator from 1912-1917.
17.5 Linear Feet
Contact Information
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
- The Palace of the Governors
- P.O. Box 2087
- Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2087, U.S.A.
- Phone: (+)505.476.5090
- Fax: (+)505.476.5093
- Email:
- URL:
- Bandelier National Monument (N.M.)
- Catron, C. C.
- Catron, Fletcher A. (Fletcher Arthur), b. 1890
- Catron, Thomas Benton, 1840-1921
- Cochiti Indians Land tenure
- Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944
- Indians of North America -- New Mexico
- Irrigation canals and flumes New Mexico
- Land grants New Mexico
- Lawyers New Mexico Santa Fe
- Mora Land Grant (N.M.)
- National parks and reserves New Mexico
- Republican Party (N.M.). Central Committee
- Smallpox New Mexico Zuni Pueblo
- Tierra Amarilla Land Grant (N.M.) Maps
- Water rights New Mexico Tularosa
- Zuni Indians -- Diseases
- Title
- Guide to the Thomas B. Catron Papers, 1883-1930
- Status
- Edited Full Draft
- Author
- Processed by Library Staff
- Date
- ©1999
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
- Language of description note
- Finding aid is in English
Revision Statements
- June 28, 2004: PUBLIC "-//Museum of New Mexico::Fray Angelico Chavez History Library//TEXT (US::NmSM::AC 37::Thomas B. Catron Papers)//EN" "nmsm1ac37.sgml" converted from EAD 1.0 to 2002 by v1to02.xsl (sy2003-10-15).
Repository Details
Part of the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library Repository
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
New Mexico History Museum
113 Lincoln Ave
Sante Fe NM 87501 USA
(505) 476-5090
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
New Mexico History Museum
113 Lincoln Ave
Sante Fe NM 87501 USA
(505) 476-5090