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Indice de las Rs Cedulas, Rs Orns, Vandos y demas Papeles de mi govierno. v. 2 [Index of the Royal Decrees, Royal Orders, Edicts and other Papers of my government.], 1716-1790

 File — Box: 2

Scope and Contents

<emph render="bold">No.1</emph>
Rl Cedula de 26 de Febrero de 1716 sobre que se informase a S. M. de los sueldos y numero de Alcaldes Maiores que los tienen en este Reino. Royal Decree of the 26th of February of 1716 in which His Majesty is informed of the salaries and number of Alcaldes Mayores que they have in this Dominion.
<emph render="bold">No.2</emph>
Auto acondado sobre amparo de tierras y aguas. Consensus of all chambers of the Council on protection of lands and waters.
<emph render="bold">No.3</emph>
Ordenanzas del Gremio de Zapateros. Ordinances of the Guild of Shoemakers.
<emph render="bold">No.4</emph>
Ordenanzas para el govierno de la labor de monedas qe se fabrican en la Rl casa de Moneda. Orders for the governing of the work of coins that are made in the Royal Mint.
<emph render="bold">No.5</emph>
Rl Cedula sobre la nominacion y arreglo de corredores. Royal decree on the nomination and arrangement of brokers.
<emph render="bold">No.6</emph>
Rl Orden de 24 de junio de 1767 sobre establecimento de dies compañías de Dragones y un nuebo Batallon de Infanteria. Royal Order of the 24 of June of 1767 on the establishment of ten companies of Dragoons and a new Batallion of Infantry.
<emph render="bold">No.7</emph>
Rl Cedula de 14 de Enero de 1767 sobre que se informe al Rey del Motivo u orn en cuia virtud cesaron los sueldo de Alcades Maiores de esta Reino. Royal Decree of the 14th of January of 1767 about the informing of the King of the Reason or order in whose virtue the salaries of the Alcaldes Mayores of this Domian were stopped.
<emph render="bold">No.8</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 23 de Febrero de 1716 en qe S. M. pide una relación de los sueldos que gozan los Governadores, Corregidores y Alcaldes Maiores de esta N. E. Royal Decree made in Madrid on the 23 of February of 1716 in which His Majesty requests an accounting of the salaries which are enjoyed by Governors, Magistrates and Alcaldes Mayores of this New Spain.
<emph render="bold">No.9</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Sn Ildefonso a 6 de Septiembre de 1773 sobre el pago de atrasos de Lanzas y Medias Annatas. Royal Decree made in San Ildefonso on the 6th of September of 1773 on the payment of arrears of Lanzas and Medias Annatas. [Note: Lanzas were duties paid to the Spanish government by nobles in lieu of military service. Media Anata is a half yearly tribute based on income.]
<emph render="bold">No.10</emph>
Extracto de la Rl Cedula de 4 de Dicbre de 88 en qe declaró el Rey quedaban los ex Jesuitas habilitados pa el gose de los Patronatos memorias de misas o capellanías laicales que ¿? De sangre les perteneciesen. Extract of the Royal decree of the 4th of December of ’88 in which the King delared that …they gave the ex Jesuits enabled by the enjoyment of the patronages memories of masses or lay chaplaincies which by blood belong to them.
<emph render="bold">No.11</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 21 de Dicbre de 1774 sobre arreglo de la juventud y examen de preceptores de grammatica por la Real Universidad. Royal Decree made in Madrid on the 21st of December of 1774 on the regulation of youth and examination of teachers of grammar by the Royal University.
<emph render="bold">No.12</emph>
Informe del Rl Tribunal del consulado de 31 de maio de 91 sobre el punto de jurisdn en los autos entre Dn Franco Anto Bertemate y Da Gertrudis Barthola Yturriaga. Report of the Royal Tribunal of the consulate of the 31st of May of 1791 on the point of judicial resolutions between Don Francisco Antonio Bertemate y Doña Gertrudis Barthola Iturriaga.
<emph render="bold">No.13</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Aranjuez a 18 de Abril de 771 sobre que no se cobre dno de media Annata de empleos que no disfruten sueldos. Royal decree made in Aranjuez on the 18th of April of 1771 regarding that a media Anata not be charged for positions which carry no salary.
<emph render="bold">No.14</emph>
Reglamto sobre dnos de casa hecho en 22 de Febrero de 1771. Regulation regarding homeowners made on the 22nd of February of 1771.
<emph render="bold">No.15</emph>
Bando publicado por la Fiel Executoria en Diciembre de 1778 sobre el cumplimiento de las ordenanzas del Gremio de Silleros y Talabarteros. Edict published by the Fiel Executoria (See Note in V. 1) in December of 1778 on compliance with the ordinances of the Guild of Saddlers and Beltmakers.
<emph render="bold">No.16</emph>
Instruccion para govierno del Licdo Dn Silvestre Lopez Portillo, comisionado para examinar el estado y circunstancias del mineral titulado N. S. de la Concepcion de los Alamos, fha en 7 de maio de 1779. Instruction for government of Licenciado Don Silvestre Lopez Portillo, commissioned to examine the state and circumstances of the mines titled Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion de los Alamos, made on the 7th of May of 1779. [Note: These appear to be the mines located at Real de Catorce in the state of San Luis Potosi.]
<emph render="bold">No.17</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en San Ildefonso a 10 de Julio de 82 sobre la extension de jurisdn que han gozado los Alcaldes ordinarios de la Villa de San Sebastian de Leon. Royal Decree made in San Ildefonso on the 10th of July of 1782 on the extension of jurisdiction that the Alcaldes ordinarios of the Villa de San Sebastian de Leon have enjoyed.
<emph render="bold">No.18</emph>
Rl Cedula de 1o de Junio de 82 fha en Aranjuez en que aprobó S. M. las providencias dictadas en ¿? Al Mineral de N. S. de la Concepción de los Alamos. Royal Decree of the first of June of 1782 made in Aranjuez in which His Majesty approved the provisional judgements dictated on the Mines of Nuestra Senora de la Concepction de los Alamos.
<emph render="bold">No.19</emph>
Representacion del Ayuntamiento de Veracruz sobre la conduccion de la agua desde el Rio de Jamapa a aquella ciudad. Representation of the municipal government of Veracruz on the conveyance of water from the River Jamapa to that City.
<emph render="bold">No.20</emph>
Bando mandado publicar por la Rl Auda en 8 de 9bre de 84 sobre el establecimiento del oficio de Anotador de Hipotecas en las cabezeras de partido. Edict ordered to be published by the Royal Auditor’s Office on the 8th of November of 1784 on the establishment of the office of Annotator of Mortgages in the heads of party.
<emph render="bold">No.21</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en el Pardo a 15 de Marzo del 1784 en qe S. M. da facultad a la Rl Auda pa calificar el grado de las apelaciones. Royal Decree made in el Pardo on the 15th of March of 1784 in which His Majesty gives authority the Office of the Royal Auditor to rate the grade of appeals. [Note: El Pardo is a Spanish Royal Palace in Madrid.]
<emph render="bold">No.22</emph>
Auto acordado de 26 de Agosto de 1784 sobre las calidades y condiciones para la impocision de capitales procedentes de concursos. Unanimous resolution of 26 August 1784 on the qualities and conditions for the imposition of taxes on capital derived from proceedings against insolvent debtors.
<emph render="bold">No.23</emph>
Aranzel de los Depocitarios Generales foraneos. Tariff of duties of foreign General Depositories.
<emph render="bold">No.24</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 3 de Julio de 1784 sobre cofradias. Royal Decree made in Madrid on 3 July 1784 regarding brotherhoods (guilds).
<emph render="bold">No.25</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Aranjuez a 6 de Junio de 1785. Sobre el modo qe se ha de observar en las permutas de los Prebendados. Royal Decree made in Aranjuez on 6 June 1785 regarding the means of observing bartering of the Prebendarys.
<emph render="bold">No.26</emph>
Real Cedula fha en Aranjuez a 4 de Ab de 1794 sobre renuncias de Prebendados, Canonigos y Dignidades. Royal Decree made in Aranjuez on 4 April 1794 regarding resignations of Prebendarys, Canons and other Ecclesiastics.
<emph render="bold">No.27</emph>
Rl Orden sobre moderacion del luxo introducido en muchos oficiales del Exercito. Royal Order regarding moderation of the luxuries introduced in many Army officers.
<emph render="bold">No.28</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a tres de Abril de 1787 sobre construccion de cementerios. Royal Decree made in Madrid on 3 April 1787 regarding construction of cemeteries.
<emph render="bold">No.29</emph>
Dos Rl Ordenes de 28 de Junio de 1791 sobre construccion de un cementerio en el Barrio de N. S. de los Angeles. Two Royal Orders of 28 Jun 1791 regarding construction of a cemetery in the Barrio of Nuestra Senora de los Angeles.
<emph render="bold">No.30</emph>
Rl Orn de 20 de Octubre de 1788 sobre la formacion de tres Regimientos fixos en este Reino. Royal Order of 20 October 1788 regarding formation of three permanent Regiments in this Kingdom.
<emph render="bold">No.31</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 18 de Septiembre de 1789 moderando el execibo numero de fiestas de Fabla. Royal Decree made in Madrid on 18 September 1789 moderating the excessive number of fiestas of confabulation.
<emph render="bold">No.32</emph>
Aranzel de los Dnos Parroqs en Pueblos de Indios fho a 3 de Junio de 89. Duties (fees) of the Parish masters in Indian Pueblos issued on 3 June 1789.
<emph render="bold">No.33</emph>
Plan formado por el Director de Mineria para el establecimiento del colegio metalico. Plan formed by the Director of Mining for the establishment of the school of metals.
<emph render="bold">No.34</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 27 de Marzo de 1789 en qe S.M. manda se le informe acerca del establecimiento de cementerios. Royal Decree issued in Madrid on 27 March 1789 in which His Majesty orders that he be informed about the establishment of cemeteries.
<emph render="bold">No.35</emph>
Rl Orn de 25 de Diciembre de 1790 declarando esemptas de media Annata las fabricas de Capillas en los Rs de minas. Royal Order of 25 December 1790 declaring wardens (?) of Chapels exempt from media Annata (certain ecclesiastical taxes) in the Royal mines(?).
<emph render="bold">No.36</emph>
Dictamenes de los Licdo Dn Mariano Cardenas y Dn Juan Jose Barberi sobre la utilidad qe resultaba a los menores hijos de Dn Manl Mateos en la venta de la Hacda de Sn Pablo. Judgements (opinions) of the attorneys Don Mariano Cardenas and Don Juan Jose Barberi on the profits for the younger sons of Don Manuel Mateos in the sale of the Hacienda de San Pablo.
<emph render="bold">No.37</emph>
Copia de la Rl Provision de 22 de Dicbre de 89 sobre que los Escribanos Rs de Veracruz no puedan actuar ni tengan archivos. Copy of the Royal Provision of 22 December 1789 on the matter that the Royal Clerks (Notaries) of Veracruz are unable to perform nor to have files.
<emph render="bold">No.38</emph>
Bando de 4 de maio de 1790 sobre empeño de prendas en las tiendas. Procalamation of 4 May 1790 on obligations of pledges (pawned items) in shops.
<emph render="bold">No.39</emph>
Rl Cedula de 20 de Agto de 1791 sre empedrados en esta capital. Royal Decree of 20 August 1791 regarding paved streets in this capital.
<emph render="bold">No.40</emph>
Rl Orden de 28 de Abril de 1792 sobre lo mismo. Royal Order of 28 April 1792 on the same topic.
<emph render="bold">No.41</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en San Lorenzo a 18 de Octubre de 1792 sobre indulto de poder comer carne quarto dias en cada semana de la Quaresma. Royal Decree made in San Lorenzo on 18 October 1792 on the pardon permitting the ability to eat meat on four days during each week of Lent.
<emph render="bold">No.42</emph>
Rl Orn de 10 de Octubre de 1767 acerca de los arbitrios para el vestuario de la milicias y fabrica de Quarteles. Royal Order of 10 October 1767 about the discretion for uniforms of militias and the buildings of their Quarters.
<emph render="bold">No.43</emph>
Rl Orn de 19 de Enero de 1792 concediendo falcultad a los Intendentes para nombrar subdelegados. Royal Order of 18 January 1792 conceding authority to provincial governors to name subdelegates.
<emph render="bold">No.44</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 10 de Julio de 1792 sobre que se informase a S. M. acerca de los puntos qe contenía la pretencion del Ben Olaxaval de qe se le habilitase pa el goze de los empleos civiles políticos de que estaba privado por el defecto natalicio. Royal Decree made in Madrid on 10 July 1792 regarde that His Majesty be informed about the points contained in the solicitation of (?) Olaxaval requesting that he be authorized to enjoy civil political employment of which he had been deprived by defect of birth.
<emph render="bold">No.45</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en San Lorenzo a 15 de Octubre de 1792 sobre las facultades del Governador del Estado y marquezado del Valle en punto a confirmacion de Justicias. Royal Decree made in San Lorenzo on 15 October 1792 on the authorities of the Governor of the State and marquisate del Valle on the point of confirmation of Justices.
<emph render="bold">No.46</emph>
Despacho de Cordillera sobre fabrica de carceles espedido por la Rl. Auda Governadora en 18 de Marzo de 1785 Dispatch of Cordillera on the building of jails expedited by the Royal Governing Audience (High Court of Justice) on 18 March 1785.
<emph render="bold">No.47</emph>
Informe del Inspector Dn Pedro Gonostiza sobre aumento de medio por ciento en la Alcavala para la subsista de la tropa hecho en 1o de Febrero de 1792. Report of Inspector Don Pedro Gonostiza on the increase of half a percent in the excise tax for the subsistence of the troop made on 1 February 1792.
<emph render="bold">No.48</emph>
Oficio del Exmo Sor Virrey de 6 de Julio de 1793 sobre conocimiento de los jueces militares en las causas de Individuos de tropa. Office of the most Excellent Senor Viceroy on 6 July 1793 on the knowledge of military judges in trials of individuals of the troop.
<emph render="bold">No.49</emph>
Otro de 28 de Agto de 1793 sobre qe los Coroneles o Comandtes de las Milicias Provinciales o urbanas deben conocer en todas las causas criminales pendientes y que ocurran de sus individuos. Another of 28 August 1793 regarding that the Colonels and Commanders of the Provinical or Urban Militias should be familiar with all the pending criminal cases that occur for their individuals.
<emph render="bold">No.50</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Aranjuez a 28 de Febo de 1793 para que los Virreyres y Governadores puedan conceder licensia de embarcarse para España a Empleados militares e Individuos de comunidades y cuerpos. Royal Decree made in Aranjuez on 28 February 1793 so that Viceroys and Governors can grant licenses of embarkation to Spain to military employees and members of communities and corps.
<emph render="bold">No.51</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Sn Lorenzo a 12 de Octubre de 1793 sobre nombramnto interino de Relatores de la Rl Auda. Royal Decree made in San Lorenzo on 12 October 1793 on interim naming of Relators (reporters) of the Royal Audience.
<emph render="bold">No.52</emph>
Contestacion de Orn del Supremo Consejo sobre el recibo del requisitorio testimoniado dirigido por el Corregor de Granada para qe se solicitasen los Autos de la Testementaria del Marqz de Torre campo. Reply to the Order of the Supreme Council on the receipt of the sworn requisitory (warrant) directed by the Magistrate of Granada for which the writs of the Executrix of the Marquez de Torre Campo be solicited.
<emph render="bold">No.53</emph>
Rl Cedula de 17 de 7bre de 1794 sobre manutencion y transporte de los dos sentenciados hasta el lugar de su destino. Royal Decree of the 17th of September of 1794 regarding the maintaning and transport of the two sentenced ones to the place of their destiny.
<emph render="bold">No.54 </emph>
Supor aprobacion de 1o de Abril de 1794 del nuebo orden de caxones en el centro del Parian. Superior approval of the 1st of April of 1794 of the new order of shops(?) (cajones) en el centro del Parian. [possibly plaza in Tlaquepaque, Guadalara, Mexico.]
<emph render="bold">No.55</emph>
Informe del Rl Tribunal del consulado de 21 de Febrero de 1795 sobre la competencia de jurisdn mobida en los Autos que siguen Dn Franco Velazqz y Dn Jose Antonio Otaegui sobre ps. Report of the Royal Tribunal of the consulate of the 21 of February of 1795 regarding the competition of jurisdiction moved in the Writs which Don Francisco Velazquez and Don Jose Antonio Otaegui follow regarding pesos. [Note: Velazquez was suing Otaegui for approximately 110 pesos apparently.]
<emph render="bold">No.56</emph>
Extracto de la Rl Cedula sobre qe los capitanes y soldados milicianos no pueden reunicar su fuero. Extract of the Royal Decree on the question of captains and soldiers of the militia being prevented from renouncing (resigning) their obligations(?).
<emph render="bold">No.57</emph>
Articulos de instruccion sobre el cargo de los Hacenderos que son responsables al cobro de los tributos. Articles of instruction regarding the obligation of the Hacenderos (public workers?) who are responsible for the collection of tributes.
<emph render="bold">No.58</emph>
Dos Vandos sobre la limpieza de calles de esta Capital, y dos ? Fiscales sobre lo mismo. Two edicts on the cleaning of streets of this Capital and two fiscal ? regarding the same.
<emph render="bold">No.59</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en San Lorenzo a 21 de 8bre de 67 sre el establecimiento de moneda de cobre en este año e informes del Exmo Virrey, Rl Tribl del consulado, Procurador Gral de esta N. C. y Sor Superintendente de la Rl Casa de Monedas. Royal decree made in San Lorenzo on the 21st of October of 1767 regarding the establishment of copper coin in this year, and reports of the Most Excellent Viceroy, Royal Tribunal of the Consulate, Solicitor General of this N. C. and Superintendent of the Royal Mint.
<emph render="bold">No.60</emph>
Bando publicado en esta Capital a 3 de Febrero de 1786 sobre libertad de pescar en los Rios y Lagunas. Edict published in this Capital on the 3rd of February of 1786 on the freedom to fish in the Rivers and Lakes.
<emph render="bold">No.61</emph>
Respuesta fiscal sobre arbitrios de milicias. Fiscal response regarding duties or taxes of militias.
<emph render="bold">No.62</emph>
Informe del Sor Marqz de Sierra Nevada Govor del Estado y marquesado del Valle sobre los procedimientos de Don Domo Ignacio de Vitorica Alclade Maior de Cuernabaca hecho en 21 de marzo del 1792. Report of the Marquez of Sierra Nevada GoverNo.r of the State and Marquisate of the Valle regarding the proceedings of Don Domingo(?) Ignacio de Vitorica Alcalde mayor of Cuernavaca made on the 21st of March of 1792.
<emph render="bold">No.63</emph>
Rl Orden de 1o de marzo de 1784 aprobando el artibtrio de dos granos en cada @ de pulque para los empedrados y el de que los Duenos de casas contribuian con las dos tercias partes del costo que tubiersen los de las que posen. Royal Order of the first of March of 1784 approving the tax of two grains in each @ of pulque for the pavement and that the owners of houses contribute two third parts of the cost that they have of those that they possess.
<emph render="bold">No.64</emph>
Propuestas de arbitrios para el empedrado hechas por los Regiones de esta N. C. Proposals of taxes for the paving done in the Regions of this N. C.
<emph render="bold">No.65</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 22 de marzo de 1789 en que se delara que el conocimiento de las demandas de prales y reditos de capellanias y obras pias contra los Vasallos legos y sus bienes toca a los jueces Rs y no a los cuios. Royal Decree made in Madrid on the 22nd of March of 1789 in which it is declared that the judicial notice of suits of principals and revenues of chaplaincies (capital paying interest for the support of an ecclesiastic) and pious works against the lay Vassals and their property is a concern of Royal judges and no of ??.
<emph render="bold">No.66</emph>
Real Cedula para la ereccion del consulado de la M. N. y M. L. ciudad de Veracruz. Royal Decree for the erection of the consulate of the M. N. and M. L. city of Veracruz.
<emph render="bold">No.67</emph>
Real Cedula fha en el Pardo a 19 de Marzo de 1784 sobre que los Essnos maiores del Superior Govo hagan relacion en la Rl Auda de los negocios en que se interpone apelasion. Royal Decree made in el Pardo on the 19th of March of 1784 regarding that the “greater Scribes(?)” of the Superior Government make an account in the Royal Audience (high court of justice) of the businesses in which they interpose an appeal.
<emph render="bold">No.68</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Sn Ildefonso a 18 de septiembre de 1794 sobre que la ciudad de Queretaro continue en la Antigua pocesion de hacer los nombramientos de los Alcades ordinarios. Royal Decree made in San Ildefonso on the 18th of September of 1794 regarding that the city of Queretaro continue in the Ancient possession of naming of ordinary Alcaldes.
<emph render="bold">No.69</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 18 de Julio de 1784 sobre Abastos de Carnes. Royal Decree made in Madrid on the 18th of July of 1784 regarding supplies of meats.
<emph render="bold">No.70</emph>
Superior Despacho de 3 de Dicbre de 1779 sobre Abastos de Carnes. Superior Dispatch of the 3rd of December of 1779 regarding supplies of Meats.
<emph render="bold">No.71</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Madrid a 23 de marzo de 79 sobre sueldo de Don Franco Antonio Bermudes Alcalde maior que fue de Mextitlan de la Sierra. Royal Decree made in Madrid on the 23rd of March of 1779 regarding the salary of Don Francisco Antonio Bermudes Alcalde Mayor who was from Mextitlan de la Sierra.
<emph render="bold">No.72</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en el Pardo a 11 de marzo de 1740 sobre el conocimiento de los juezes de Alzadas del Rl Tral del consulado en las causas y negocios que ante ellos pondiesen por apelacn o recurso. Royal Decree made in el Pardo on the 11 of March of 1740 regarding the judicial notice of the judges of appeals of the Royal Tribunal of the Consulate en the cases of businesses that come before them on appeal or recourse.
<emph render="bold">No.73</emph>
Rl Orn de 20 de Agto de 1783 sobre depocitos de caudales en la Rl Casa de Monedas. Royal Order of the 20th of August of 1783 regarding deposits of funds in the Royal Mint.
<emph render="bold">No.74</emph>
Oficio del Exmo Sor Dn Martin de Maiorga para la traslacion de caudales al depocito en la Rl Casa de Monedas. Official Letter of the Most Excellent Senor Don Martin de Maiorga for the transfer of funds to deposit in the Royal Mint.
<emph render="bold">No.75</emph>
Rl Orn de 20 de junio de 1793 sre la conduccion de una Mision a la Proa (Provincia) SSmo Nombre de Jesus Agustinos Calzados de Filipinas. Royal Order of the 20th of June of 1793 on the conveyance of a Mission of Philippine Agustinos Calzados to the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. [Note: Agustinos Calzados (lit. shod Augustinians) an order of priests]
<emph render="bold">No.76</emph>
Rl Orden de 23 de Junio de 1793 sre conduccion de una Mision a la Proa del SSmo Nombre de Jesus Agustinos Calzados de filipinas. Royal Order of the 23rd of June of 1793 regarding conveyance of a Mission of Philippine Agustinos Calzados to the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
<emph render="bold">No.77</emph>
Rl Orden de 14 de Febrero de 1788 sre que no se haga el aumto de 6 ? diarios a cada Reliogioso de los que pasan a Filipinas que solicito el Pe Fray Santiago de Toban. Royal Order of the 14th of February of 1788 regarding that the increase requested by Fray Santiago de Toban of 6 ? daily to each Religious (person) of those who pass to the Philippines not be made.
<emph render="bold">No.78</emph>
Rl Cedula de 13 de Marzo de 1790 sre vestuario y aumto de 6 ? diarios a los Religiosos Francos descalzos de Filipinas. Royal Decree of the 13th of March of 1790 regarding vestuary (funds given to clergy for clothing) and an increase of 6 ? daily for the Barefoot Franciscan monks(?) of the Philippines.
<emph render="bold">No.79</emph>
Rl Cedula fha en Sn Ildefonso a 28 de Julio de 1787 sobre la subsitencia del Hospital de Sn Lazaro de esta corte. Royal Decree made in San Ildefonso on the 28th of July of 1787 regarding subsistence of the Hospital of San Lazaro of this court.


  • 1716-1790

Language of Materials

From the Collection: Spanish

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: .5 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library Repository

Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
New Mexico History Museum
113 Lincoln Ave
Sante Fe NM 87501 USA
(505) 476-5090