Cedulas, Reales Ordenes y Novissimas Disposiciones de Govierno v. 1 [Dispatches, Royal Orders and Latest Precepts of the Government], 1680-1780
File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents
- <emph render="bold">No.1</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 4 de Junio de 687 en ql su Majd previene el modo, y forma con que se hande medir a los Pueblos la 600 v Que les confiere por cada viems…1 Royal Dispatch of the 4th of June of 1687 in which his Majesty prescribes the manner and form with which have to be measured the 600 bars (~yards) heve to be measured in every direction that he confers to the pueblos??...1
- <emph render="bold">No.2</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 12 de Julio de 695 en ql ordena s. M. el cumplimiento de la anexion, y q las 600 v de Tierra conferidas a los Indios se cuenten desde su Iglesia… 2 Royal Dispatch of the 12th of July of 1695 in which his Majesty orders the completion of the annexation, and that the 600 bars (~yards) of land conferred to the Indians are counted from their Church…2
- <emph render="bold">No.3</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 8 de Julio de 710 para que las Justicias de estos Reynos guarden el fuero, y jurisdicción que esta concedido por las Leyes a la Fiel-executoria...5Royal Dispatch of the 8th of July of 1710 for which the Justices of these Territories [town council] guard the forum and jurisdiction which is granted by the Laws of the Fiel-executoria...5
- <emph render="bold">No.4</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 30 de Diciembre de 714 para que la Sala del crimen cumpla lo dispuesto en la anexion y continúe solo en el conocimiento de las carrias[canias?] de regatones…6 Obedicimientos, y diligencias practicadas pa su complimiento…8 Royal Dispatch of the 30th of December of 1714 for which the High Criminal Court completes what has been ordered in the annexation and continues only in the knowledge of the carrias of the Retailers…6 Obedience, and duties practiced for their completion…8
- <emph render="bold">No.5</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 3 de Octubre de 539 en que s. M. hace a esta N. C. merced perpetua de la Fiel-executoria…10 5 Royal dispatch of the 3rd of October of 1539 in which his Majesty makes to this N.C. perpetual mercy of the town council…10
- <emph render="bold">No.6 and No.7</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 24 de Diciembre de 722 en ql s. M. declara los casos en ql se causa el Rl dno de Alcavala en las fundaciones de obras pias y traslaciones de Fincas a manos nuevas…12 Royal dispatch of the 24th of December of 1722 in which his Majesty declares the cases in which the Royal master of taxes [duties] in the foundation of pious works and transfer of lands to new hands…12
- <emph render="bold">No.8</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 1 (8 bre) de 733 en ql s. M. aprueba las ultimas providencias propuestas pr. El Sr Marques del Casafuente para el arrelgo de Platerias, Finadurias y Bateojerias, y en ql le ordena otras…14 Royal dispatch of the 1 October of 1733 in which his Majesty approves the last dispositions proposed by the Marques del Casafuerte for the arrangement of silversmiths, makers of gold and silver thread, and makers of gold leaf and in which he orders others…14
- <emph render="bold">No.9 and No.10</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 5 de Septiembre de 735 en ql S. M. declara los cases en ql se causa el Rl. Dno de Alcavala en los bienes de difuntos que se venden, y remontan en publica Almoneda…21 Numbers 9 and 10 Royal dispatch of the 5th of September of 1735 in which his majesty declares the cases in which the Royal Master of taxes are caused in the belongings of the deceased that are sold in public auction…21
- <emph render="bold">No.11</emph>
- Rl Orden e instrucción de 18 de Marzo de 777, pa ql las Alcavalas se pongan en gral Administración de cuenta de la Rl Hacienda…25 Auto acondado del consejo ql declara a qn toca el conocimiento del testamento cerrado del clérigo ql dexa a su alma u a otro clérigo pr heredero; y asi mismo el de el Lego ql dexa a otro clérigo o al contrario…27 Royal order and instruction of the 18th of March of 1777 by which the taxes and duties are put in general administration of the account of the Royal Hacienda…25 By consensus of all chambers of the council which declares to whoever has knowledge of the closed testament of the cleric who leaves to his soul, or to another cleric as heir; and likewise that of the layman who leaves to another cleric, or to the contrary…27
- <emph render="bold">No.12</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 18 de Febrero de 753, para ql no se perimtan fundaciones de Iglesias, Monasterios, u otras qualquiera obras pias sin las licencias necesarias…27 Royal dispatch of the 18th of February of 1753, by which foundings of churches, monestaries or whatever other pious works without the necessary licenses…27
- <emph render="bold">No.13</emph>
- Rl Cedula y instruccion de 15 de octubre de 751 ql previene el modo con ql se hande hacer las mercedes, ventas y composiciones de Realengos sitios y valdios…29 Royal dispatch of the 15th of October of 1751 which specifies the manner with which the grants, sales and compositions of Royal lands places and ?29
- <emph render="bold">No.14</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 4 de octubre de 760, en ql se previenen varias advertencias sre el practico método de fundar, preparar, e introducir los recursos de fuerza en las causas de inmunidad local o personal…36 Diligencias practicadas para su cumpliemento…68 Royal dispatch of the 4th of October of 1760, in which various warnings are specified regarding the method of founding, preparing and introducing the resources of force in the local or personal causes of immunity. Duties practiced for their completion…68
- <emph render="bold">No.15</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 7 de Fe brero de 774, para el complemento de la ereccion de la Catedral de Valladolid, y beneficios patrimonial ql dispone la misma ereccion…40 Auto acondado de la Rl Sala del Crimen de 29 de Agosto de 778, para el mas pronto despacho de las causas criminales: Y contestación del consejo de Indias al Exmo Virrey en el asunto de temporalidades…41 Royal decree of the 7th of February of 1774, for the completion of the erection of the Cathedral of Valladolid , and patrimonial benefits which that erection makes available…40 By consensus of all chambers of the council of the Royal Sala del Crimen (criminal court) of the 29th of August of 1778 for the earliest determination of the criminal trials: And response of the council of Indias to the Most Excellent Viceroy on the question of temporalities (secular revenues of the clergy).
- <emph render="bold">No.16 a No.24</emph>
- Rls Deculas qul previenen el modo con ql se hande sacar los ? De los efugios(¿); y diligencias practicadas para su cumplimiento…42 Royal decrees which prescribe the way in which the…must be gotten and the duties required for their completion…42
- <emph render="bold">No.25</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 13 de Maio de 775, en la que s. M participa quedar ensenado de todo lo ocurrido con motivo de la Administracion de Pulques, de cuenta de la Rl Hacienda…77 Royal decree of the 13th of May of 1775 in which His Majesty participates in remaining instructed of all occurrences relating to the Administration of Pulques, of the account of the Royal Hacienda…77
- <emph render="bold">No.26</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 25 de Nvre de 736, en ql s. M. aprueba las providencias dadas a la llegada , y retorno del Patache San Cristobal pr s. Esta…78 Royal decree of the 25 of Nombember of 1736, in which His Majesty approves the dispositions given on the arrival and return of the vessel (ship tender) San Cristobal to San(ta) ??
- <emph render="bold">No.27</emph>
- Rl. Orn de 1º de Noviembre de 776, para que se haga exacto Padron de todos sus Vasallos de estos Dominios…79 Royal Order of the 1 of November of 1776, so that the tax rolls of all the vassals of these Dominions are made exact…79
- <emph render="bold">No.28</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 1º de Marzo de 777, en ql s. M. señala los dnos del Oro…80 Royal decree of the 1 of March of 1777, in which His Majesty nominates the owners of the gold…80
- <emph render="bold">No.29</emph>
- Se halla baxo el no 27…79 to be found below 27…79
- <emph render="bold">No.30</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 21 de Febrero de 776, en ql se señala los quel hande despachar los títulos de oficios vendibles y renunciables…82 Royal decree of the 21st of February of 1776, in which the way in which titles of saleable and renounceable offices must be dispatched is indicated…82
- <emph render="bold">No.31</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 13 de Abril de 777, sre La forma y reglas ql se hande observar en las Indias pa los remates, administración recaudación, y distribución de los Xmos de las Iglesias…93 Royal Decree of the 13th of April of 1777, regarding the form and rules that must be observed in the Indias for the closing of accounts, administration of collections, and distribution of the tithes of the churches…93
- <emph render="bold">No.32</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 11 de Julio de 779, en ql s. M. confirma los autos proveidos para la Rl Sala del Crimen de 26 de Enero y 26 de Abril de 774…97 Instrucción sobre Rmos de commutacion…101 Auto acondado de 20 de Maio de 756 para que no se impida a los Indios el corte de madera y lena ql necesiten para sus propios usos…103 Royal decree of the 11th of July of 1779, in which His Majesty confirms the writs issued by the Royal Criminal Court of the 26th of January and the 26th of April of 1774…97 Instruction regarding ? of commutation…101 Consensus of all chambers of the council of the 20th of May of 1756 in order to avoid impeding the cutting of wood and firewood that the Indians need for their own uses…103
- <emph render="bold">No.33</emph>
- se halla baxo el no 1….1 To be found below Number 1…1
- <emph render="bold">No.34</emph>
- Declaracion hecha pr. S. M. a 27 de Octubre de 746, en asunto de juego de Gallos…107. Declaration made by His Majesty on the 27th of October of 1746 regarding the game of Roosters…107.
- <emph render="bold">No.35</emph>
- Rl Orden del 8 de Febrero de 778 en ql s. M se sirve ampliar la concesión del comercio libre…108. Royal Order of the 8th of February of 1778 in which His Majesty pleases to broaden the concession of free commerce…108.
- <emph render="bold">No.36</emph>
- Rl Orden de 8 de Junio de 780, en ql señala s. M. el numero de Agentes Fiscales y asignación fixa ql hande gozar…109. Royal order of the 8th of June of 1780, in which His Majesty indicates the number of Fiscal Agents and fixed payment which they are to enjoy…109.
- <emph render="bold">No.37</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 22 de Enero de 782, al Virrey de N. E. para ql evacuadas las dilig. Ql pr otros los despachos se le previenen, notifique a los prov. De Augustinos de Michoacan lo ql reiteradamente le esta mandado, y execute lo ql en esta se leordena…111 Royal decree of the 22nd of January of 1782, to the Viceroy of New Spain in order that duties are vacated which are specified by other dispatches, to notify the purveyor of the Augustinians of Michoacan that which repeatedly is ordered, and that he (the Viceroy) execute that which has been he has been ordered.
- <emph render="bold">No.38</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 23 de Enero de 782, al Virrey de N. E. participándole estar bien echa la secularisacion de doctrinas con sus anexos y aiudas de Parroquia ql se refieren…113, Royal decree of the 23 of January of 1782, to the Viceroy of New Spain informing him that the secularization of doctrines be well done with their additions and Parish (aides ??) which are referred (to?)…113
- <emph render="bold">No.39, No.40</emph>
- Rls Cedulas de 23 de Enero de 782, Ordenandole al Virrey varias providencias cerca de las cosas pertenecientes a la Prova de Augustinos de Michoacan en la secularisacion de curatos…115 Royal decrees of the 23rd of January of 1782, Ordering the Viceroy various dispositions of the things belonging to the purveyors of the Augustinians of Michoacan in the secularization of parish lands…115
- <emph render="bold">No.41</emph>
- Rl Orn de 8 de Noviembre de 783. Licencia pa ql el Apoderando de da Maria Fadea Medrano vecina de Manila la remita el importe liquido de su Marionazgo…122 Royal order of the 8th of November of 1783. License for the granting of Dona Maria Fadea Medrano, resident of Manila, the permit to import liquid from her Marionazgo (refers to the Marianas Islands?)…122
- <emph render="bold">No.42</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 6 de Octubre de 785, Titulo de Comandante gral de las Provas Internas…123 Circular de la Rl Auda Governadora de 13 de Febrero de 787, pa la limpia y composición de caminos…125 Royal decree of the 6th of October of 1785, Title of Commander General of the Interior Provinces…123 Circular of the Royal Auditor Governor of the 13 of February of 1787, for the cleaning and repair of roads…125
- <emph render="bold">No.43</emph>
- Rl Orden de 20 de Febrero de 785, al Virrey de N. E. para ql no permita estén fuera de sus Jurisdicciones los Alcaldes Mayores ni comercios y manejos ql se indican…127 Royal Order of the 20th of February of 1785, to the Viceroy of New Spain so that he does not permit the Alcaldes mayores to be outside his jurisdiction nor businesses that are indicated…127
- <emph render="bold">No.44</emph>
- Rl Cedula de 1º de Octubre de 786, al Virrey de N. E. para ql se satisfagan pr dn Diego Choquet los Rls Dnos correspondientes a los efectos conducidos en uso de de su Generala al Puerto de Acapulco…128. Royal decree of the 1st of October of 1786, to the Viceroy of New Spain that don Diego Choquet satisfy the Royal Owners corresponding to the effects conducted en the use of his Generala to the Port of Acapulco…128 [Note: A generala is a military order conveyed with bugles and drums.]
- 1680-1780
Language of Materials
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From the Collection: .5 Linear Feet
Repository Details
Part of the Fray Angélico Chávez History Library Repository
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Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
New Mexico History Museum
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(505) 476-5090