Showing Unprocessed Materials: 826 - 850 of 3578
Digital Photographs Documenting Construction of the New Mexico History Museum Building and Exhibits
Identifier: HP.2010.36
Digitization of Santa Fe New Mexican photo archive, 1975-1995
Identifier: HP.2014.14-NMHM.2014.009
Dimitri Baltermants: battlefields during WWII
Identifier: HP.2007.31-NMHM.2007.043
World War II
Dimitri Baltermants Prints of the Russian Patriotic War ca. 1941-1945
Identifier: HP.2008.30-NMHM.
Documentary Made in New Mexico "I Don't Know How Old is My Grandpa"
Identifier: HP.2015.21-NMHM.
Documents and Photographs Related to Historic District Consultant Work in Santa Fe
Identifier: HP.2011.38-NMHM.
Dolores Archuleta oral history
Unprocessed — Box Digital Media
Identifier: RG-2016-044
March, 2016
Domenic C. De Palma: Monuments on Galisteo St., Santa Fe
Identifier: HP.1983.27-MNM.1983.048-MNM.GA.2858-H
Dominguez-Escalante Bicentennial Expedition 1776-1976 Collection
Identifier: AC682
Found in:
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Dominguez Y Escalanta Bicentennial Expedition
Identifier: HP.2013.18-NMHM.
Don Blair: 71 photos, copy negatives, and color slides of Northern New Mexico scenes by the donor, most ca. 1960s
Identifier: HP.1989.18
most ca. 1960s
Don Bloch: western landscapes and street photography
Identifier: HP.1977.01-MNM.1977.002-MNM.PA.257
1920 - 1935
Don & Carolyn Etter: Santa Fe districts and culture
Identifier: HP.2016.21-NMHM.2016.022
Majority of material found within 1970 - 1989
Don Heath: slides of New Mexico subjects 1980 - 1995
Identifier: HP.2014.20
Don Madtson: Catholic Clergy Portrait Photographs
Identifier: HP.1976.21-MNM.1976.18-MNM.GA.1654-Hp
Don Pierce Estate: photo of Pancho Villa ca. 1915
Identifier: HP.2014.10
ca. 1915
Don R. Day collection of New Mexico State University Science Hall
Identifier: RG-1987-106
Don Strel: glass negatives of Russia, Denmark, and Sweden, ca. 1900-1920
Identifier: HP.1980.44-MNM.1980.114-MNM.GA.2498-Hp
ca. 1900-1920
Don Toomey: Santa Fe, NM in the early 2000s
Identifier: HP.2009.76-NMHM.
2002 - 2006
Don Usner: lowriders and freewheeling
Identifier: HP.2016.18-NMHM.2016.019
1996; 2012 - 2016
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- NMHM Palace of the Governors Photo Archives 2595
- New Mexico State University Library Archives and Special Collections 877
- Fray Angélico Chávez History Library 91
- National Hispanic Cultural Center 10
- UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections 4
- Lunder Research Center 1 ∧ less
- Subject
- Stereoviews 94
- Photographic postcards 64
- New Mexico Views 61
- Native Americans -- Photographs 59
- Gelatin silver prints 56
- Boudoir photographs 53
- Cabinet photographs 50
- Colorado -- Photographs 39
- Postcards 38
- Santa Fe (NM) -- Photographs 37
- Photograph albums 36
- Stereoscopic photographs 32
- Stereoview 32
- Photography Books 30
- Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Photographs 30
- Carte de visite photographs 26
- Yellowstone National Park -- Pictorial works 25
- Palace of the Governors (Santa Fe, N.M.) 24
- Santa Fe Fiesta 24
- Burros 23
- New Mexico -- Photographs 23
- Books -- Pictorial works 22
- Southwest -- Photography 22
- Santa Fe Views 21
- Taos Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 21
- hand-colored photographs 21
- Churches -- New Mexico 20
- Portraits 20
- Postcards -- Pictorial works 20
- San Miguel Chapel, Santa Fe, New Mexico 20
- Garden of the Gods (Colorado Springs, Colo.) 19
- Glass negatives 19
- Portrait photography 19
- Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 18
- Color slides 17
- Japan 17
- New Mexico Scenes 17
- Palace of the Governors--Santa Fe, N.M. 17
- People -- Santa Fe, N.M. 17
- Pueblo Indians 17
- Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. 17
- Arizona -- Pictorial works 16
- Navajo 16
- Pinhole Resource Center 16
- Black-and-white photographs 15
- Lowriders -- New Mexico 15
- Military 15
- People -- New Mexico 15
- Publications 15
- Railroad 15
- Tintype 15
- Acoma Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 14
- Albumen prints 14
- Las Vegas -- History -- Photographs 14
- Portraits -- New Mexico 14
- Santa Fe (NM) Photographs 14
- Cameras 13
- Hopi Indians 13
- Panoramas – Pictorial works 13
- Photography 13
- Postcards -- Southwest, New 13
- Railroad trains -- Photographs 13
- Santa Fe Living Treasures 13
- Black-and-white photography 12
- Colorado -- Pictorial works 12
- Film negatives 12
- Grand Canyon (Ariz.) 12
- Laguna Pueblo. 12
- Landscape photographs -- New Mexico 12
- Photography--Negatives 12
- Photogravures 12
- Southwest Views -- United States 12
- Zuni Pueblo 12
- 35mm (photographic film size) 11
- California -- Photographs 11
- Historic Buildings - New Mexico -- Santa Fe -Photographs 11
- Lantern slides 11
- Native Americans of North America 11
- Picture postcards 11
- Pinhole Photographs 11
- Railroads 11
- Rough Riders 11
- Salt Lake City (Utah) 11
- Sioux 11
- Snapshots 11
- Taos Pueblo (N.M.) 11
- Arizona 10
- Color photography 10
- Daguerreotypes (photographs) 10
- Grand Canyon (Ariz.) -- Pictorial works 10
- Hopi Indians -- Pictorial works 10
- Isleta Pueblo (N.M.) 10
- Panoramas 10
- Photography -- New Mexico 10
- Photography, Panoramic 10
- Portrait photographs -- New Mexico 10
- Pueblo Indians -- Photographs 10
- Pueblos 10
- Silver City (N.M.) -- Photographs 10
- Tesuque Pueblo (N.M.) -- Pictorial works 10 ∧ less
- Names
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 49
- Institute of Historical Survey Foundation 32
- Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952 27
- Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903 26
- Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979 25
- Parkhurst, T. Harmon 23
- Bennett, G. C., 1846-1915 21
- Gurnsey, B. H. (Byron H.), 1833-1880 21
- Furlong, J. N. (James N.) 16
- Underwood & Underwood 15
- Continent Stereoscopic Co. 14
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 14
- Hillers, John K., 1843-1925 14
- Keystone View Company 14
- Chase, D. B. (Dana B.), 1848-1897 13
- Kilburn Brothers 12
- Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 11
- Savage, C. R. (Charles Roscoe), 1832-1909 11
- Detroit Photographic Co 9
- Detroit Publishing Co 9
- Heister, H. T. (Henry T.), -1895 9
- Hook, W.E. (William Edward), 1833-1908 9
- Kaadt, Christian G., 1868-1905 9
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 8
- Willis, J. R. (Joseph Roy), 1876-1960 8
- Burge, J. C. 7
- Kilburn, Benjamin W., 1827-1909 7
- Mellen, Geo. E. (George Egbert), 1854- 7
- Newman, Almeron 7
- O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 1840-1882 7
- Russell, Genevieve 7
- Strohmeyer and Wyman 7
- Taylor, John Paul, 1920- 7
- Albright Art Parlors (Albuquerque, N.M.) 6
- Brown, W. Calvin 6
- Brown, W. H. (William Henry), 1844-1886 6
- Chamberlain, W.G. (William Gunnison), 1815-1910 6
- Dendahl, Henry, 1888-1956 6
- Thurlow, James 6
- Vroman, A. C. (Adam Clark), 1856-1916 6
- Bennett & Brown 5
- Hiester, H.T. 5
- Ingersoll, T.W. (Truman Ward), 1862-1922 5
- Knee, Ernest, 1907-1982 5
- Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1975 5
- Barthelmess, Christian, 1854-1906 4
- Beam, George L. (George Lytle), 1868-1935 4
- Candelario, John, 1916-1993 4
- Chamberlain, W. G. (William Gunnison) 4
- Gandert, Miguel A. 4
- Kemp, E. H. (Edward Henry), 1868-1948 4
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928 4
- Maude, F. H. (Frederic Hamer) 4
- Muybridge, Edweard, 1830-1904 4
- Parsons, Jack, 1939- 4
- Santa Fe New Mexican 4
- Sheppard, Carl 4
- Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912 4
- W.H. Horne Co 4
- Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 3
- Adams, Sam, 1927-2022 3
- Briquet, Abel 3
- Buehman, Henry, 1851-1912 3
- Cobb Studio 3
- Crispell, Theron C., 1842-1893 3
- Dingee, Tyler 3
- Fitzsimmons, Thomas 3
- Furlong & Crispell 3
- Kirkland, C. D. (Charles D.), 1851-1926 3
- Lotz, Herb 3
- McDowell, Elliott 3
- Medley, J.U. 3
- Neptune, Teresa 3
- Northup, Steve 3
- O' Sullivan, T.H. (Timothy H.), 1840-1882 3
- Price, Robert C. 3
- Rau, William Herman, 1855-1920 3
- Santa Fe Living Treasures 3
- Schmidt, Henry A. 3
- Shlaer, Robert 3
- Shulman, Isaac 3
- Skelly's Art Studio 3
- Stodter, Charles E. 3
- Traube, Alex, 1946- 3
- Tucker, Nancy 3
- Van Cleve, Barbara, b. 1935 3
- Wilder, Richard 3
- Alexander, Jim A., 1863-1926 2
- American Association of University Women 2
- Apodaca, Anacleto G. 2
- Baltermants, Dmitri, 1912-1990 2
- Barnhouse, Thomas E., 1829-1911 2
- Bell, C.M. (Charles Milton) 2
- Benigno, John 2
- Bortell, P. Clinton 2
- Bowser, Kent, 1949- 2
- Brown, Henry M., 1868-1947 2
- Brown, W. Henry, 1844-1886 2
- Bryan, Howard 2
- Bullock, Alice, 1904-1986 2 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more